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Nanchang (: 南昌; pinyin: Nánchāng) is the capital of Jiangxi Province in southeastern China. Nanchang is famous for its scenic lakes, mountains, rich history and cultural sites.In June 2006, Nanchang is appraised as World Top Ten Dynamic Cities by US News Weekly. Contents [hide] 1 Geography 2 Demographics 3 History 4 Administration 5 Economy 6 Transportation 6.1 Rail 6.2 Air 6.3 Road 6.4 Water 7 Landmarks 8 Colleges and universities 9 References 10 External links [edit]Geography Nanchang is located 60 km south of the Yangtze River and is situated on the right bank of the Gan River just below its confluence with the Jin River and some 40 km south of its discharge into Poyang Lake. Nanchang has a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons. Winters are short and fairly mild (average high in January is 9 degrees C or 48F), but with occasional frosts and snow is not unheard of. Summer is long and humid, with amongst the highest temperatures in China (average 34C or 93F in July). Rain falls throughout the year, but is heavier in the summer months. [edit]Demographics Nanchang has a population of 3,934,445 people and a metropolitan area consisting of 4,990,184 people. [edit]History The city - called Gàn (赣) - was founded and first walled in 201 BC (during the early Han dynasty), when the county town was given the name Nanchang. It was also the administrative seat of a mandery, Yuzhang. In 589 (during the Sui dynasty) this mandery was changed into a prefecture named Hongzhou (洪州), and after 763 it became the provincial center of Jiangxi, which was then beginning the rapid growth that by the 12th century made it the most populous province in China. In 653 AD, the Tengwang Pavilion was constructed. In 675 AD, Wang Bo (王勃) wrote the classic "Tengwang Ge Xu". The building as well as the city became celebrated for Wang's introduction article and the author is known to all -speaking population by this masterpiece. The Pavilion has been destroyed and rebuilt several times throughout China's history. In its present form, Tengwang Pavilion was reconstructed in the 1980s after being destroyed in 1929 during the Civil War. In 959, under the Southern Tang regime, it became Nanchang superior prefecture and also the southern capital. After the conquest by the Song regime in 981 it reverted to the name Hongzhou. In 1164 it was renamed Longxing superior prefecture, which name it retained until 1368. At the end of the Yuan (Mongol) period (1279–1368), it became a battleground between Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), and the rival local warlord, Chen Youliang. At the beginning of the 16th century it was the power base from which Zhu Chenhao, the prince of Ning, launched a rebellion against the Ming regime. In the 1850s it suffered considerably as a result of the Taiping Rebellion (1850–64), and its importance as a mercial center declined as the overland routes to Canton were replaced by coastal steamship services in the latter half of the 19th century. Nanchang has, however, remained the undisputed regional metropolis of Jiangxi. On August 1, 1927, Nanchang was the site of one of a series of insurrections anized by the munist Party. The Nanchang Uprising, led by pro-munist Kuomintang officers under Russian direction, succeeded in holding the city for only a few days, and provided a core of troops and a method of anization from which the People's Liberation Army (PLA) later developed. In 1939, the Battle of Nanchang, a ferocious battle between the National Revolutionary Army and the Japanese Imperial Japanese Army in the Second Sino-Japanese War took place. Satellite image of Nanchang City in JiangXi In 1949 Nanchang was still essentially an old-style administrative and mercial city, with little industry apart from food processing; it had a population of about 275,000. Nanchang first acquired a rail connection in 1915, when the line to Jiujiang, a port on the Yangtze River, was opened. Several other rail links have since been opened. After World War II a line was pleted to Linchuan and Gongqi in the Ru River Valley to the south-southeast. Since 1949 Nanchang has been extensively industrialized. It is now a large-scale producer of cotton textiles and cotton yarn. Papermaking is also a large industry, as is food processing (especially rice milling). Heavy industry began to be important in the mid-1950s. A large thermal-power plant was installed and uses coal brought by rail from Fengcheng, to the south. A machinery industry also grew up, at first mainly concentrating on the production of agricultural equipment and diesel engines. Nanchang then became a center of the automotive industry, producing trucks and tractors and also such equipment as tires. An iron- *** elting plant helping to supply local industry was installed in the later 1950s. There is also a large chemical industry, producing agricultural chemicals and insecticides as well as pharmaceuticals. [edit]Administration Subdivisions of Nanchang Nanchang Buildings Donghu District (东湖区) Xihu District (西湖区) Qingyunpu District (青云谱区) Wanli District (湾里区) Qingshanhu District (青山湖区) Nanchang County (南昌县) Xinjian County (新建县) Anyi County (安义县) Jinxian County (进贤县) [edit]Economy Nanchang is a regional hub for agricultural production in Jiangxi Province. The yield of grain was 16.146 million tons in 2000. Products such as rice and oranges are economic staples. The Ford Motor pany has a plant in Nanchang, assembling the Ford Transit van as part of the Jiangling Motor joint venture.[1] Nanchang also is a center of production for traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals. The GDP of Nanchang in 2008 was 166 billion Yuan. The GDP per capita was 36,105 Yuan. The total value of imports and exports was 3.4 billion US dollars. The total financial revenue was 23 billion Yuan.[2] [edit]Transportation Nanchang International Airport Nanchang Railway Station [edit]Rail Nanchang has extensive railway infrastructure which connects to many important cities in other provinces. The Beijing-Jiulong Railway and Shanghai-Kunming Railway (formerly Zhe-Gan Railway, literally Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway) both meet at Nanchang making Nanchang one of the most important transport hubs in Southern China. It is also the home to the Nanchang Bureau of Railways, which operates the majority of the railway work in the provinces of Jiangxi and Fujian. From 2007, Nanchang is also connected with neighboring cities Hangzhou, Changsha and Shanghai with CRH (China Railway High-speed). Nanchang Changbei International Airport (南昌昌北国际机场) Beijing-Jiulong Railway (京九铁路) Shanghai-Kunming Railway (沪昆铁路) [edit]Air Nanchang Changbei International Airport (KHN) built in 1996 is the main international airport. It is situated in Lehua Town, 26 kilometres north of the CDB area. Changbei International Airport is the only one in Jiangxi Province which has an international air route. The airport is connected to major mainland cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Haikou.[3] [edit]Road The road transport infrastructure in Nanchang is extensive. A number of national highways cross through the city. They are the No.105 National roads No.105 from Beijing to Zhuhai, No.320 from Shanghai to Kunming, and No.316 from Fuzhou to Lanzhou. The major transport panies that operate in Nanchang are the Chang'an Transport pany Limited, the Nanchang Long-distance Bus Station, and the Xufang Bus Station. The Nanchang Long-distance Bus Station serves long distance routes to Nanjing, Shenzhen, Hefei and other cites outside Jiangxi Province. The Xufang Bus Station operates routes to cities, towns and counties within Jiangxi Province. [3] [edit]Water Nanchang is situated on the Gan River, the Fu River, Elephant Lake, Qingshan Lake, and Aixi Lake. Hence the water routes for Nanchang critically important for the economy, trade and shipping. Nanchang Port is the biggest port on the Gan River. Passengers can take Nanchang Port and travel by boat to the Jinggang Shan and Tengwang Pavilion. There are passenger ships that also visit Poyang Lake, Stone Bell Hill, Poyang Lake Bird Protection Area, Dagu Hill and other attractions. [edit]Landmarks The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi province, China The Star of Nanchang Ferris Wheel Nanchang is known for: The Tengwang Pavilion, a towering pavilion dating to 653,on the east bank of the Gan River and is one of "the Four Great Towers of China" Bayi Square (Literally Aug. 1st Square aka. People's Square), whose size is approximately 78,000 m2,[4] the second largest public square in China, after Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Poyang Lake, the largest fresh water lake in China, it is also called "the Migrator Birds Paradise". It is also home to the Star of Nanchang, which was the world's tallest Ferris wheel from 2006-2008.[5] The Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Bada Shanren Exhibition Hall. Also famous for Bayi Grand Bridge, the first grand bridge in Nanchang. It facilitates many traffics in the cars getting cross the river. [edit]Colleges and universities Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (江西财经大学) (founded 1923) Nanchang University (南昌大学) Jiangxi Normal University (江西师范大学) Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (江西理工大学) Jiangxi Agricultural University (江西农业大学) East China Jiaotong University (华东交通大学) Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology (南昌航空工业学院) Jiangxi Institute of Traditional Medicine (江西中医学院) Nanchang Institute of Technology (南昌工程学院) Jiangxi Science & Technology Teachers' College (江西科技师范学院) Note: Institutions without full-time bachelor programs are not listed.


1、南昌的英文介绍Nanchang, formerly known as Yuzhang and Hongdu, is the capital of Jiangxi Province, the core city of the city group around Poyang Lake, the political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational and transportation center of Jiangxi Province, and the important central city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River approved by the State Council.南昌,古称豫章、洪都,是江西省省会、环鄱阳湖城市群核心城市,江西省的政治、经济、文化、科教和交通中心,国务院批复确定的长江中游地区重要的中心城市。2、滕王阁的英文介绍Tengwang Pavilion, one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, is located on the East Bank of Ganjiang River along the Yangtze River Road in the northwest of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. It was built in Yonghui, Tang Dynasty, four years ago. It was named after Li Yuan-ying, brother of Li Shimin, Taizong of Tang Dynasty. It also became popular in later generations because of Wang Bo's poem "falling clouds and solitary birds flying together, autumn water is the same color".滕王阁,江南三大名楼之一,位于江西省南昌市西北部沿江路赣江东岸,始建于唐永徽四年,因唐太宗李世民之弟——滕王李元婴始建而得名,又因初唐诗人王勃诗句“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”而流芳后世。扩展资料1、南昌饮食南昌赣菜口味以鲜辣为主,赣菜主食为米饭,肉食品有猪、牛、鱼、鸡、鸭、鹅等。蔬菜种类繁多,食油有菜油、茶油等植物油,亦食猪板油。调味以食盐、酱油为主,兼用辣椒、醋、糖、桂皮等。农村有冬至日酿米酒、晒冬粉、杀猪腌肉,冬至后晒干鱼、腌鸡、制板鸭等习惯。2、南昌风景南昌有文化遗址600余处,人文景观18处,自然景观26处,是中国优秀旅游城市。1986年,国务院命名南昌市为国家历史文化名城。全市有世界级、国家级、省级、市级的重点文物保护单位50多处。参考资料来源:百度百科-滕王阁参考资料来源:百度百科-南昌




1. 滕王阁:江西省最著名的古迹之一,是古人也喜欢去的地方,也是南昌的标志性建筑。2. 星子古镇:江西省保存最完整的明清古镇之一,有着悠久的历史和文化底蕴。3. 南昌八一起义纪念馆:纪念中国共产党领导的南昌起义,展示了中国革命的历史和文化。4. 南昌革命烈士陵园:纪念中国革命烈士的公园,是南昌市最重要的革命纪念地之一。5. 湖口古镇:是江西省最著名的古镇之一,有着悠久的历史和文化遗产。6. 南昌市博物馆:展示了南昌市的历史、文化和自然遗产,是南昌市最重要的博物馆之一。7. 烈士公园:是南昌市最大的公园之一,是一个休闲、娱乐和文化活动的好地方。8. 洪都古镇:是江西省著名的古镇之一,有着悠久的历史和文化底蕴。9. 滕王阁公园:是南昌市最著名的公园之一,娱乐和文化活动的好地方。10. 昌北国家地质公园:是中国第一个以地质遗迹为主题的国家地质公园。

