blaze是什么意思.要全释如题 谢谢了
blaze vt. 刻记号在树皮上指示(道路等) 领导, 开拓 blaze a trail [path, way] (在森林, 荒野中)在树皮上刻上标志指示道路; 闯出新路, 开辟路径 现代英汉词典blaze 1 n. 火焰;烈火;火灾 The roadside grass became a blaze. 路边的草引起了一场大火。 It took the firemen nearly two hours to put the blaze out. 消防队员花了近两个小时才把大火扑灭。 光辉;明亮 The flowers made a blaze of red. 花(开得)一片艳红。 On New Year's eve, every main street was a blaze of light. 除夕之夜,各条大街一片灯火辉煌。 突然发怒 In a blaze of anger he shouted at them. 他勃然大怒,对他们大吼。 (pl)邪恶的地方 Go to blazes! 该死! What the blazes! 该死! blaze 2 n. 白斑 (为标明方向在树上砍的)白茬标记 词性变化 vi. blazed, blazing 燃烧 照耀;发光 Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. 灯光强烈耀眼,人们跑来跑去 - 他们刚刚发现有个战俘逃掉了。 Her eyes blazed with anger. (喻) 她眼里闪着怒火。 词性变化 vt. 在树上砍出白茬(标明方向) 常用词组 blaze away (常与at连用) 迅速开枪;不断射击 奋力工作 The advertising corporation has blazed a trail in new methods of advertising by using internet. (喻) 广告公司利用国际信息网为新的广告方法开拓了新路。 简明英汉词典blaze n. 火焰, 光辉, 情感爆发 vi. 燃烧, 照耀, 激发 vt. 在树皮上刻路标, 公开宣布
blaze的意思是火焰。读音:英[bleɪz],美[bleɪz]。名词:大火;烈火;地狱;白斑;白条纹;树皮刻痕;迸发;强光;刺眼的光;炫目的光动词:猛烈燃烧;熊熊燃烧;连续射击;乱射;狂射;不分青红皂白地射击;夺取;摘取;沿路做记号;耸人听闻地报道;以显著地位报道。复数: blazes.第三人称单数: blazes.现在分词: blazing.过去式: blazed.过去分词: blazed.网络释义:火焰 ;焰牙 ;烈火 ;闪耀 ;炽烈之径 ;杀出。火焰例句:1、The gardens are a blaze of colour.2、The blaze lit up the sky.3、I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.4、Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.5、Now that a great financial blaze has taken hold,the eurozone is facing its 1666moment. Unless tamed,the conflagration might not spare anybody.