
时间:2024-08-29 18:11:51编辑:小松


  无论如何表示不管条件怎样变化,其结果始终不变。例句:可是她知道有你在,便推托身子不好,无论如何不肯来了。那么你知道无论如何用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   无论如何的英语说法1:   anyhow   无论如何的英语说法2:   in any case   无论如何的英语说法3:   Anyway   无论如何的英语说法4:   no matter what   无论如何相关英语表达:   无论如何不 in no case ; under no circumstances   无论如何的英语例句:   1. Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big left hook.   刘易斯无论如何得躲开拉多克凌厉的左钩拳才行。   2. In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.   无论如何,那个保龄球场的餐厅证明还是很不错的。   3. We've got to make our decision one way or the other.   不是这样就是那样,我们无论如何都得作出决定了。   4. You know pretty well everyone here, one way or the other.   无论如何,这里的每个人你肯定都很了解。   5. He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.   他决定无论如何都要出版那部手稿。   6. He ordered the army to recapture the camp at any cost.   他命令军队无论如何也要夺回营地。   7. I probably would have voted that way anyway.   无论如何我可能都会那样投票。   8. "In any case you remained friends." — "Certainly."   “无论如何,你们都是好朋友吧。”——“那当然。”   9. No I really can't possibly answer that!   不,我无论如何也回答不了那个问题。   10. You must finish the job this week one way or another.   在本周内你无论如何都要完成这项工作.   11. On no account should you leave the door unlocked.   你无论如何也不应该不锁门.   12. I want you to carry a stiff upper lip whatever happens.   我希望你无论如何不要垂头丧气.   13. It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.   这可能有危险,但我们无论如何要冒一冒险.   14. I would give my ears to have a try.   我无论如何得试一试.   15. It'should be done for anything and everything.   这件事无论如何要做成.


问题一:“不管怎样,无论如何”用英文怎么说 不管怎样,无论如何
no matter how, anyhow, whether o not

问题二:无论如何用英语怎么说 Anyway
By all means
Whatever it takes

问题三:无论如何,用英语怎么说 20分 however :adv “无论如何”“不管怎样”
whatever: pron. 无论什哗, 任何事物

问题四:无论如何 用英文怎么说 anyway

问题五:"无论如何"用英文怎么说 无论如何_

问题六:不管怎么说(用英语怎么说)? Anyway,... 或者 Whatever to say,...
1. 【口】无论如何,不管怎样,至少,反正
That wasn't my fault, anyway.
It may rain, but we shall go anyway.
2. 不论以何种方式,不论从何种角度
You can do the job anyway you want.
3. 随便地,草率地 He dumped the tools in the box just anyway.

问题七:无论如何都要谢谢你为我所做的一切,,用英语怎么说 Anyway,thank you for what you have done for me!

问题八:无论为什么用英语怎么说 no matter whyadj. 不管(为什么)
no matter why是可以的。
下面就是一些例句,会后我 把你上面的参考了后翻译了下。
No matter why she became angry with you, you should apologize to her.
No matter why you studied or who you studied with, you would never learn about the Wisdom Study.
But he made the wrong choices, no matter why he did it.
No matter why you did that , we can't forgive you.
No matter why you said so, we can't forgive you.


anyway和anyhow同义,但前者多⽤于美国英语,后者多⽤于英国英语。例句如下:1.It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.这可能有危险,但我们无论如何要冒一冒险。2.Anyhow, knowing how to use the Internet is important.无论如何,知道如何使用互联网是很重要的。3.She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.她把文件在桌上随便搁成一堆。4.Mother certainly won't let him stay with her and anyhow he wouldn't.母亲当然不会让他和她住在一起,再说他也不愿意。5.I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。6.'Thanks very much anyhow.' — 'It's a pleasure.' “无论怎样,非常感谢。”——“别客气。”7.'Anyhow, thanks a lot. Bye bye.' “那么,多谢了。再见。”8.Where the hell was Bud, anyhow?巴德到底在哪儿?9.I was told to go to Reading for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. Anyhow, I got the job.我被通知前往雷丁面试。整个过程很有意思。总之,我被录用了。


anyway和anyhow的区别如下:anyhow和anyway可以互换。他们都可以解释成“无论怎样”、“无论如何”,英文解释是“in any case”,日常会话中anyhow已经很少使用,anyway在句中作副词和连接词。没有听哪个外国人或者在电影里听到,只在某些文章中见到。anyway和anyhow同义,但前者多用于美国英语,后者多用于英国英语。anyway 在句中用作副词和连接词,义:“无论如何”、“不管怎样”,相当于 in any case和at any rate。“Anyhow”和“Anyway”这两个词在英语中的意思非常相似,但是它们在使用时稍微有些区别。“Anyhow”的用法更为随意、口语化,而“Anyway”则更为正式、严谨。“Anyhow”的意思是“无论如何”,用来表示一种不在乎具体细节、不拘泥于规定的感觉。它常常用来引出一种缺乏完整逻辑的思考或行动,也可用来表示一种精神上的状态,表示无所谓、放松、不紧张等。“Anyway”也表示“无论如何”,但是它的口感和感觉,有时会略微正式一些。它通常用来表示刚才所说或做的事情已经结束,或者是非常确定的观点或结论。在口语交流中,这两个词的区别并不是非常重要,因为它们通常是可以互换的。“anyhow”表示你不想过多交代从前的谈话内容,只是想转换话题。anyhow和anyway还有whatever这三个词在口语皆可作"无论如何,无论怎样,算了"解释,anyhow比anyway,whatever都会更正式点,不过在口语中此三个词都较常用皆可互换。

