单词:lucky读音:英 ['lʌki]、美 ['lʌki] 意思:adj.幸运的;带来好运的举例:1、You lucky blighter!你这幸运的家伙!2、He is really a lucky dog.他真是个幸运的家伙。反义词unlucky读音:英 [ʌn'lʌki] 、美 [ʌn'lʌki] 意思:adj. 倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的举例:1、You were just unlucky.你只是运气不好。2、She was unlucky to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday.她太倒霉了,休假第一天就感冒了。
lucky英[ˈlʌki]美[ˈlʌki]adj.有好运的;运气好的;幸运的;好运带来的;带来好运的。[例句]He was lucky to get off with a small fine.他侥幸逃脱惩罚,交了一小笔罚款了事。[其他]比较级:luckier 最高级:luckiestlucky用法例句1、Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career.尚塔尔能保住她的事业算是走了运。2、I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.我很幸运,因为我的体重从来没有增加过。3、We're lucky to have such a man in our midst.在我们中间有这样一个人是我们的幸运。
一、英文 :lucky; fortunate; good fortune; good luck; felicity 二、双语例句: 1 我真幸运赶上了最后一班公共汽车。 I was lucky enough to catch the last bus. 2 有些人似乎从来都是幸运的。 Some people seem to be always lucky. 3 真幸运你来了。 It was lucky you came along. 4 我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。 I am luckier than most. I have a job 5 你真是个幸运儿。 You are a lucky dog. 6 对我来说幸运的是,我的朋友发现了非常严重的错误。 Fortunately for me, my friend saw that something was seriously wrong 7 幸运的是,罗伯特碰巧遇到了理查德和朱莉娅,发现原来他们也碰到了类似的问题。 By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems. 8 我很幸运,因为我有4个姐姐。 I'm lucky in that I've got four sisters. 9 在我们中间有这样一个人是我们的幸运。 We're lucky to have such a man in our midst. 10 我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。 I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth 11 我一向不喜欢和别人炫耀自己因为幸运而取得的那些成就。 I have always been against swanking about all the things I have been lucky enough to win. 12 幸运的是我注意到了你把车停在哪里。 Luckily, I'd noticed where you left the car 13 警察很幸运,比我先找到了他。不然我真会把他大卸八块的。 The police were lucky they found him before I did. I would have torn him limb from limb. 14 你们都很幸运,成长在和平富足的时代。 You are all fortunate to be growing up in a time of peace and plenty. 15 我经常想到那些没我这么幸运的人。 I often think about those less fortunate than me 幸运的英文怎么写
幸运的单词发音:英【ˈfɔːtʃənətli】美【ˈfɔːrtʃənətli】。短语搭配:1、fortunately luckily凑巧 ; 幸运地。2、Fortunately is可幸的是 ; 幸运的是。3、Fortunately daily幸运每天。4、Fortunately my幸运夜。5、Fortunately girls幸运的女生。6、Fortunately around幸运围绕。7、hide fortunately吉利地掩饰。8、secure fortunately幸运地获得。9、fortunately complete有幸完成的。双语例句:1、Fortunately, you have the power to change all that.幸运的是,你还有能力去改变所有这一切。2、Fortunately, we have been together since the past till this moment.幸运地,我们从过去到现在这时刻还是在一起的。3、Fortunately there are so many of you that are sufficiently enlightened, that they do not have to gofar to find their answers.幸运的是,你们中有这么多的人已经充分的开悟,这样那些人就不需要走得太远来寻求自己的答案。