
时间:2024-08-14 07:46:57编辑:小松


2 broke girls synopsy: brunette Max works at a cheap restaurant in brooklyn, New York.(《破产姐妹》剧情简介:黑发泼辣的Max在纽约布鲁克林区一家低档餐馆打工。)Colleagues at the restaurant include Han Lee, a small Asian owner, Oleg, a chef with a fondness for smutty jokes, and Earl, an elderly cashier.(餐馆同事包括小个子亚裔老板Han Lee、爱讲荤段子的厨子Oleg和高龄收银员Earl。)The restaurant's new waitress, Caroline, is blonde, tall and stylish.(餐馆新来的女招待Caroline金发高挑,名媛范十足,与餐馆档次格格不入。)Max questions Caroline's identity and accidentally learns that Caroline was the real daughter of Manhattan.(Max对Caroline的身份产生了质疑,无意间得知Caroline曾是曼哈顿区真正的千金小姐。)After my father went bankrupt, he was reduced to working in a shop to survive.(父亲破产后为生存沦落到店里打工。)The soft-spoken Max takes in Caroline, who is homeless, though from a different background.(嘴利心软的Max收留了无家可归的Caroline,虽然身份背景不同。)The same penniless situation made the two girls good friends.(同样身无分文的境地还是令两个女孩成为了好朋友。 )Characters in 2 broke girls:(《破产姐妹》角色简介:)1,Max BlackA waitress from the lower classes and nanny for a New York celebrity, she is realistic, bold and satirical and can bake cupcakes well.(来自低下阶层的女侍应,亦为一位纽约名流作保姆,她现实主义、大胆且喜爱讽刺别人,能烤得一手好的纸杯蛋糕。)2,Caroline ChanningCaroline, a down-and-out rich girl, is cheerful, hard-working and capable, and is loved by the audience.(落魄富家女Caroline阳光开朗又勤劳能干,受到观众们的喜爱。)扩展资料《破产姐妹》幕后制作:Caroline养马的地方,走进去就真的是个马圈,而且门上还切切实实贴着做好的chestnut的名字在diner(餐厅)看到的厨房用具也都是非常的齐全。还有那些餐厅大堂的菜单,做得和外面餐厅的菜单没有区别, 就连cashier (收银台)的那些单据都和外面餐厅的一样,而且显然可以猜测到单据上很多字都是我们喜爱的姐妹俩写的。观众席,原来观众席都是正对着拍摄场地的,观众席都是漆黑的一片,对面的拍摄场确是被灯光打得非常的亮堂,感觉像是舞台,而不是普通的片场。另外,还有到了在第三季出现的secret window,那里布置简单。


《楚门的世界》英文剧情简介:30 years ago Nikon om TV production company has adopted a baby, they deliberately cultivate he makes it become the world's most popular docusoaps "Truman show" in the protagonist, this company has achieved great success. But that was only one person knowing he is the drama of the only protagonist, truman.Truman grew up in a small town called Taoyuan Island (actually a huge studio), he is an insurance company in the town of brokers, Truman looks exactly the same with the ordinary people seem to live life, but he did not know the life of every second has thousands of camera in front of him, every time the whole world is watching him, but do not know all the people including his wife and friends, are the "Truman show" actor.Although I feel that everyone seems to pay attention to him, and everything from small to big, I have some unexpected dramatic effects,But none of this made the unsophisticated boy too concerned. Can the production of the program group due to negligence, but let the child in the Truman because of his "death" of the "father" appeared again, the "father" of the staff was immediately taken away, until after they began to doubt the Truman grief weaves a perfect lie "father and son" let them meet, so as to achieve their satisfaction the effect of.Many years ago a "real world" is not only the faithful audience and the show of the actor's young girl is very sympathetic to Shi Weiya Truman, Truman on her at first sight. She gave Truman some gentle hint, he was forced to leave the studio. Remember Sylvia Truman began to reconsider their own lives. Truman gradually found him working in the company every one in his after began to work every day on the street near his home have the same people and cars in repeated contacts, that he can't believe is, claiming to be a doctor and have to go to the hospital every day the wife was not a doctor. Truman began to doubt the world in which he lives, including his wife, friend, father of all people cheat him, a heart of fear arise spontaneously.As a warning for the future, he decided to escape from the sea to his silent town at all costs, to find their own true life and true love of his people. However, Truman is underestimated in the soap opera producer, director and producer of power in one of Christopher's power. Christopher will be all designed to be almost perfect, nearly 30 years firmly to the Truman control in the surreal world of the sea.Several times to escape failed, Truman decided to leave this town from the sea, but he was desperate to find out a part of him in front of the sea and the sky was also this huge studio, then Christopher in the great room in heaven to control things about Truman context, and tell him now is Truman the world's most popular star, he has made everything today is the ordinary people can not imagine, if he is willing to stay in the sea to continue the life of a star, Truman unmoved, resolutely toward the The Freedom Trail中文名:楚门的世界外文名:The Truman Show其它译名:真人SHOW(港)/真人世界/真人戏出品时间:1998年出品公司:派拉蒙影业公司制片地区:美国导 演:彼得·威尔编 剧:安德鲁·尼科尔制片人:安德鲁·尼科尔类 型:剧情主 演:金·凯瑞,劳拉·琳妮,诺亚·艾默里奇,艾德·哈里斯,娜塔莎·麦克艾霍恩片 长:103分钟上映时间:1998年6月1日分 级:USA:PG对白语言:英语色 彩:彩色主要奖项:71届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演提名 71届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角提名 71届奥斯卡金像最佳原创剧本提名发行公司:派拉蒙家庭视频公司

