不算下架了,就是改成了《唐唐说电影》。《唐唐脱口秀》是唐唐对当下一些热门话题进行吐槽的一档综艺节目。是由爱奇艺出品。节目有唐唐神吐槽,Big笑工坊,唐唐脱口秀系列,主要口号是“我们是制造快乐的一群人”,以古典小说西游记中“唐僧”为原型,进行话题吐槽。部分涉及低俗。近期可能升级改版。改版名为“唐唐说电影”。我比较喜欢他解说恐怖片,我胆子特小,怕看,但又想看,但是他能把它解说的很搞笑。不过《唐唐脱口秀》以前有些节目可能下架了。因为有些用词什么的不当,所以就没有地方可以看。可能b站还有,我也不知道这个节目对女性的用词简直是下贱到了极致,真的让人很气!!不知道这样的人是怎么可以火的。感觉这个节目有歧视女性。还有有些根本就是乱编造的,模糊观众眼球。为了吐槽而强行吐槽 离带来欢乐越来越远。
任真天在做视频之前,是某电视购物栏目的演员,就是998!只要998的那种。口才伶俐、幽默滑稽。唐唐(任真天)于2013年12月19日开始在优酷做搞笑视频,一开始是讲黄色笑话,后来转为解说电影。因2013年年初的一部恶搞西游的解说 《致唐唐逝去的青春多么痛的领悟 第34期》而轰动互联网,在此部视频中,任真天以唐唐自称,唐唐的意思就是唐僧。此部内容非常有创意,而且唐唐唱了一首奇葩歌曲。点击量很快突破了900万(优酷数据)。可以说是自老湿之后搞笑界唯一一炮成名的奇葩。在后期的作品中,不断更新唐唐神吐槽和Big笑工坊Big笑工坊是一档解说、吐槽电影为中心的视频节目。在节目中,各种搞笑镜头应有尽有,让人不禁开怀大笑。
《big笑工坊 唐唐神吐槽 103》结尾英文歌曲是什么?
歌名:So Bad
所属专辑: Recovery
演唱者: Eminem
词: Marshall Mathers / Andre Young / Mark Batson / Dawaun Parker / Trevor Lawrence / S. Cruse / Nick Bro
作曲: Marshall Mathers / Andre
You feel that baby?
Yeah I feel it too
You know
I'm so glad we could spend this time together
I'm not as crazy as you though I was, am I?
I'm the American dream
I'm the definition of white trash ballin'
I'm right back on 'em with the *rchick-rchick-chicka-chick*
I can't call it, same shit different toilet
Oh yeah, got a nice ass darling
can't wait to get you into my benz
take you for a spin
whatchu mean we ain't fuckin? You take me for a friend?
Lemme tell you the whole story of Shady's origin
You'll be sorry if you slam my Mercedes door again
Now, it all started with my father,
I musta got my pimpin genes from him, the way he left my mama
I'm a rollin stone just like him, word to Johnny Drama
Keep my Entourage wit me, baby I make a promise
there ain't nobody as bomb as me, I'm calm as the breeze
I'm the bee's knees, his legs and his arms I'm a
superstar, I'm ready for you Mama,
Why you think the only thing I got on is my pyjamas?
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
I'm equivelent to a shot of ??
First I kiss your navel, work my way down
Baby you can lay down on the table
but you may want to find something more stable
i told you i ain't foolin from the gate, this ain't the first day of April
But thank you for staying April
Ima make you learn to appreciate me, differentiate me
from these phoney little fishy and sissy fake G's
skip over the huggie bear and all the kissy face please
initiate phase 3, missy now service me
take another shot of yager, shake it so nervously
take your time baby, ooh you're the bomb baby
ohh you're doing that even better than your mom, lady
i told you i'm shady, you didn't listen now did ya?
relax, woman, you know that i'm only kiddin with ya
got a twisted sense of humor, it's warped but i didn't hit ya
i think you're finally starting to get the picture, I'm just
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
*rchick-rchick*call me dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*call me dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
I can hold you in the morning
but in the evening i gotta go!*rchick-rchick*
cos i'm on to the next girl
and the next girl i kinda like, oh oh oh
I got you caught up in the rapture,
Make you recapture the feelings you had for
your last boyfriend before he slapped ya
You never wanted someone so bad you're
sweating, but if i'm what you wanted
why'd you panic when I grabbed ya?
girl don't be so frantic, I'm just a hopless romantic
don't tryta fight the feelin of something that's so organic
you can't ignore it, so don't, just stand before it
just drop them panties to the floor, lets get the cam cordin
damn shortie, i told you this is bound to happen
soon as you wrote your number on the napkin
i was bound to work a number on your back and
throw your spine out of allignment
my love has got you so blinded
you couldn't pick Amy Winehouse out of a lineup
so stop at the store and pick a pint up
lets get the pineapple schnapps goin
noone will kock cos ima hang a sign up
sayin don't disturb, shortie i'm so supurb
i say the right things, don't i spit the dopest words?!
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again
*rchick-rchick*call me dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*call me dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
*rchick-rchick*dynamite, ohh ohh
I can hold you in the morning
but in the evening i gotta go!*rchick-rchick*
cos i'm on to the next girl
and the next girl i kinda like, oh oh oh
So bad
I'm so good that I'm so bad
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you've ever had
Cos you ain't never met nobody like me
and you ain't gonna want to fuck nobody else again