bribe是什么意思 bribe的意思
英音 [braib] ;,美音 [braib] ;,名词 1.贿赂 v. 1. 及物动词: [bribe *** (with sth)]用(某事物)向某人行贿,行贿以说通某人做某事; 不及物动词: 行贿,形容词 bribable,名称 briber,时态 bribed,bribing,bribes,payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment,make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence,take bribe 受贿 ,offering bribe 【法】 行贿 ,bribe or kickback phr. 贿赂 ,pervert justice for a bribe 贪赃枉法 ,act of accepting bribe 【法】 受贿行为 ,bribe n.1.贿赂v.1.[T][bribe *** (with sth)]用(某事物)向某人行贿,行贿以说通某人做某事;[I]行贿
bribe是什么意思如下:v.贿赂;向(某人)行贿n.贿赂1.At least the Saudis and Kuwaitis are trying to bribe their younger subjects.至少沙特和科威特政府正在努力拉拢自己国内的年轻人。2.I did not come barely to let you know that I was informed of these things as if I wanted a bribe to conceal them.我不单是来告诉你我知道了这件事,好像我想得到一笔贿赂,把这件事隐藏起来。3.Then they streamlined the charges down to 20 and made it clearer that asking for a bribe was just as bad as getting the bribe.然后,他们简化了收费下降到20,并使其更清晰,对于行贿,要求是一样获得贿赂坏。4.A new law passed this year makes it a crime for Chinese citizens and companies to bribe foreign officials.今年新通过的一项法律规定,中国公民和企业贿赂外国公职人员的行为违法。5.Afterwards I found out that the payment for the crime report may be distasteful, but it seems to be policy, rather than a bribe.尽管之后我还是认为要为拿到一分犯罪报告而交钱这事很不靠谱,但是这钱可能真是手续费而不是贿赂。6.Coal mine workers said this was "bribe list" but the prosecution locally said they did not know about this issue.煤矿职工们称这是“行贿清单”;榆林市纪委领导称“不知道”此事;
bribe 和bribery 区别
Bribe: An illegal gift given in advance of a transaction or service for the purpose of improperly influencing the behavior of the other party.
Bribery: The crime of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence action of an official or in the discharge of a public duty.