时间:2024-07-22 07:51:52编辑:小松

谁知道布兰妮的baby one more time歌词中文意思

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐

How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道?

That something wasn't right here. 有些事情不对劲。

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

I shouldn't have let U go. 我本不该让你走。

And now U're out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。

Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。

Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!

Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。

Oh,because. 噢,因为!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!

The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。

Boy U've got me blinded. 你使我盲目。

Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。

There's nothing that I wouldn't do. 为你我会去做任何事。

It's not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。

Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!

Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。

Oh,because. 噢,因为!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

Baby one more time-Britney Spears 宝贝再来一次(布莱妮)制作:慧剑无心 QQ:***********(孤魂野鬼)

(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。

How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道?

I must confess. 我必须承认。

That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。

Don't U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。

I shouldn't have let U go. 我本不该让你走。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝!

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

I must confess. 我必须承认。

That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。

Don't U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

baby bay one more time.的中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐

How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道?

That something wasn't right here. 有些事情不对劲。

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

I shouldn't have let U go. 我本不该让你走。

And now U're out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。

Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。

Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!

Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。

Oh,because. 噢,因为!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!

The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。

Boy U've got me blinded. 你使我盲目。

Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。

There's nothing that I wouldn't do. 为你我会去做任何事。

It's not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。

Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!

Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。

Oh,because. 噢,因为!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

Baby one more time-Britney Spears 宝贝再来一次(布莱妮)制作:慧剑无心 QQ:***********(孤魂野鬼)

(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!

Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。

How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道?

I must confess. 我必须承认。

That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。

Don't U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。

I shouldn't have let U go. 我本不该让你走。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。

(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。

I still believe. 我仍然相信。

(Still believe) 仍然相信。

Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝!

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

I must confess. 我必须承认。

That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。

Don't U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。

When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。

Give me a sign. 给我个提示!

Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

baby one more time中文翻译

Jive savvily and aggressively marketed britney to the backstreet boys crowd , by including her songs on a backstreet boys cd sampler , offering free previews of her video which features the pop starlet doing her best lopta impression in a very short plaid cathopc schoolgirl skirt and skintight baby tee to anyone who requested the backstreet boys " i ll never break your heart " video on cable music channel the box , getting her a slot alongside the boys on the sabrina the teenage witch soundtrack , and landing her generous coverage in us teenybopper mags pke superteen , bop , teen machine and teen people - all this before her debut album , the somewhat suggestively titled . baby one more time , even came out 摇摆乐的盛行和入侵,在市场的驱动下布莱尼来到了后街男孩组合,在后街男孩的cd样品中包含了她的歌,还免费提供了她的视频预览这位热门的小明星在她的影带中以花格呢的天主教女生短裙装和紧身的baby tee ,赢得了极佳的印象。 “ i ll never break your heart ” mtv登上了有线音乐频道的排行榜,并且深受美国青少年的喜爱!随之传出了小甜甜布兰尼与超级男孩timberlak和后街男孩nick carter的浪漫史。 All this cross - marketing obviously paid off , as . baby one more time s first single the title track went to no . 1 in a number of key world markets including the us and united kingdom , and the album also debuted in the top spot on the billboard charts , making britney the youngest female artist in billboard history to have her first single and first album go to no . 1 in the same week 所有的这些市场吵作,很明显是在为她的第一首单曲“ baby one more time ”作铺垫。这张专集初次登场便席卷全美和英吉利海峡,并荣登billboard榜no . 1 。使得小甜甜布莱尼成为了billboard公告榜历史上最年青的女艺人!

求一首歌名,是罗志祥的,歌词有句是 baby baby one more time 谁能告诉我一下,谢谢。

《 do that to me one more time 》



别浪费 yeah








这滋味 yeah


jolin 三十六计

coco didadi dadi



do that to me one more time


才正要好玩 oh...

do that to me one more time


上瘾怎么办 oh...

kiss me

like you just did

oh baby

带着感情 once again
怪咖也爱hip hop
my god
和我一样的cd wawa
one more time

once again


画蛇添足的意思是什么? 寓意是什么?

画蛇添足 (发音 huà shé tiān zú)
【解 释】 画蛇时给蛇添上脚.比喻做了多余的事,反而有害无益,徒劳无功.
【出 处】 西汉·刘向《战国策·齐策二》:“蛇固无足,子安能为之足?”
【用 法】 连动式;作宾语;含贬义
【示 例】 周而复《上海的早晨》第四部:“他想接上去说,又觉得是~,只好惋惜地坐着没动.”
【近义词】 徒劳无功、多此一举
【反义词】 画龙点睛、恰到好处、恰如其分
【灯 谜】 巳
【典 故】
故事发生在古代楚国.有一家人家祭祀祖宗.仪式完毕后,把剩下的一壶酒,赏给手下的办事人员喝.人多酒少,很难分配.这几个人就商量分酒的办法.有个人说:“一壶酒分给几个人喝,太少了.要喝就喝个痛快.给一个人喝才过瘾呢!”大家都这样想,可是谁也不肯放弃这个权利.另一个提议说:“这样吧,让我们来个画蛇比赛.每个人在地上画一条蛇,谁先画完,谁就喝这壶酒.”大伙儿都赞成这个办法.于是每个人折了一根树枝,同时开始画起来.有一个人画得最快,转眼之间,把蛇画好了.他左手抓过酒壶,得意地看看同伴,心想,他们要赶上我还差得远哩.便洋洋自得地说:“我再给蛇添上几只脚,也能比你们先画完.”正当他画第二只脚的时候,另一个人把蛇画完了.他一把夺过酒壶说:“蛇本来是没有脚的,你画的根本就不是蛇.还是我先画完,酒应当归我喝.” 添画蛇脚的人无话可说,只好咽着唾沫,看别人喝酒.
②舍人——古代王公贵族手下的办事人员.卮(zhī)—— 古代盛酒的器具.
示例 将军功绩已成,威声大震,可以止矣.今若前进,倘不如意,正如“~”也.(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第一百十回)
英文:draw a snake and add feet to it—ruin the effect by adding sth.superfluous 蛇本来没有脚有人却给它加上脚,故事见《战国策·齐策二》.比喻做事多此一举,反而坏事.例:今若前进,倘不如意,正如画蛇添足也.——《三国演义》

小甜甜布兰妮的歌Baby one more time的歌词

How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道?
That something wasn't right here. 有些事情不对劲。
Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !
Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !
I shouldn't have let U go. 我本不该让你走。
And now U're out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。
Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。
Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!
Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。
Oh,because. 噢,因为!
My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。
(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。
I still believe. 我仍然相信。
(Still believe) 仍然相信。
When I'm not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。
Give me a sign. 给我个提示!
Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!
(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!
The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。
Boy U've got me blinded. 你使我盲目。
Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。
There's nothing that I wouldn't do. 为你我会去做任何事。
It's not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。
Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。
Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !

求歌词 baby baby one more time 是什么歌曲

歌名:《Baby One More Time》演唱:Britney Spears作曲:Martin作词 : Martin(Oh baby baby)噢,宝贝,宝贝(Oh baby baby)噢,宝贝,宝贝Oh baby baby噢,宝贝,宝贝How was I supposed to know我怎么会知道?that something wasn't right here有些事情不对劲Oh baby baby噢,宝贝,宝贝I shouldn't have let you go我本不该让你走and now you're out of sight yeah现在你已消失了Show me how you want it to be告诉我你想怎样tell me baby告诉我,宝贝cause I need to know now因为我需要现在知道oh because噢,因为My loneliness is killing me我的孤独在折磨我(and I)(还有)I must confess我必须坦白I still believe我仍然相信(still believe)(仍然相信)When I'm not with you I lose my mind当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向give me a sign给我个提示hit me baby one more time宝贝再次拥抱我吧Oh baby baby噢,宝贝,宝贝The reason I breathe is you你是我活着的理由Boy you've got me blinded你使我盲目Oh pretty baby噢,漂亮的宝贝There's nothing that I wouldn't do为你我会去做任何事It's not the way I planned it那不是我计划中的事情Show me how you want it to be告诉我你想怎么样tell me baby告诉我,宝贝cause I need to know now因为我需要现在知道oh because噢,因为My loneliness is killing me我的孤独在折磨我(and I)(还有)I must confess我必须坦白I still believe我仍然相信(still believe)(仍然相信)when I'm not with you I lose my mind当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向give me a sign给我个提示hit me baby one more time宝贝再次拥抱我吧(Oh baby baby)噢,宝贝,宝贝(Oh baby baby)噢,宝贝,宝贝Oh baby baby噢,宝贝,宝贝How was I supposed to know我怎么会知道Oh pretty baby噢,漂亮的宝贝I shouldn't have let you go我本不该让你走I must confess我必须承认that my loneliness我的寂寞is killing me now正在折磨我Don't you know I still believe我仍然相信that you will be here你会在这里and give me a sign给我个提示hit me baby one more time宝贝再次拥抱我吧My loneliness is killing me我的孤独正在折磨我(and I)(还有)I must confess我必须坦白I still believe我仍然相信(still believe)(仍然相信)When I'm not with you I lose my mind当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向give me a sign给我个提示hit me baby宝贝再次拥抱我吧I must confess我必须坦白that my loneliness我的寂寞is killing me now正在折磨我Don't you know你不知道I still believe我仍然相信that you will be here你会在这里and give me a sign给我个提示hit me baby one more time宝贝再次拥抱我吧扩展资料:《Baby One More Time》这首歌曲是由歌手Britney Spears演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲总时长03:32,歌曲发行时间是1999-01-12,歌曲收录在专辑《Baby One More Time (Deluxe Version》之中,歌曲《Baby One More Time》的其他版本:歌手The Marías演唱的收录在专辑《The Marías》之中,专辑发行时间是20019-08-25。歌手Michele Grandinetti演唱的收录在专辑《Baby One More Time》之中,专辑发行时间是2013-08-22。

歌词中有baby baby one more time

歌词:歌曲:Baby One More Time
歌手:Britney Spears
(Oh baby baby)
(Oh baby baby)
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
that something wasn't right here
Oh baby baby
I shouldn't have let you go
and now you're out of sight yeah
Show me how you want it to be
tell me baby
cause I need to know now
oh because
My loneliness is killing me
(and I)
I must confess
I still believe
(still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
give me a sign
hit me baby one more time
Oh baby baby
The reason I breathe is you
Boy you've got me blinded
Oh pretty baby
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
It's not the way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
tell me baby
cause I need to know now
oh because
My loneliness is killing me
(and I)
I must confess
I still believe
(still believe)
when I'm not with you I lose my mind
give me a sign
hit me baby one more time
(Oh baby baby)
(Oh baby baby)
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
Oh pretty baby
I shouldn

