
时间:2024-07-22 02:30:28编辑:小松


看过《海论英语快餐》的人都会注意到,里面的老外主持人也是很帅的,海论是不是和帅哥有缘呢?海论笑道:“哪里,为了找合适的搭档,我找了大量的外国朋友,才给找着的!你知道,观众的眼光是挑剔的,形象好也很重要。” 其实编著《海论英语快餐》何止只是找到合适的老外搭档做节目,为了让《海论英语快餐》的内容鲜活而流行,海论要不断地翻看流行杂志,观看原版电影,还要尽可能多地了解国外的风土民情,了解他们生活中的流行语言,所以很多人说海论做的节目和出的书都很时尚。记者的一位朋友听说要写海论,很是激动,从他的包里拿出海论的书,并说他常常带在身边,工作之余或者是见缝插针的几分钟,都能从海论的书里学到实用流行的语言。有一次雨天一手打伞,一手拿书,不小心将书掉到地上,浸湿书页,很是心疼。朋友说话的表情,让记者更加相信了海论对英语爱好者的魅力。注重实用性海论说,自己在出第一本书的时候懵懵懂懂,既没有前言也没有后序,一翻开就是目录,但是在深圳一下子卖出3万多册,让她很是吃惊。后来《海论英语快餐》的宗旨是,“快餐口味,大众化需求,200个正在使用的口语,让你的英文炫起来!”书的封面上也有了海论的形象,看上去挺亲切的。最近的《海论英语快餐》出版后,海论对她的以前出的两本书有了一个评价。她说:“9年前,刚开始做节目时我就想着怎么样和别人不一样,有时候过分强调节目的形式,表现在出书上也强调了书的编排形式。而现在我更注重实用性,用最简单的东西表现最丰富的内容。”所以之后出的《海论英语快餐》很实用。


Helen Keller (1880 -1968 year June 1), a disability educator. When she was 19 months old because of a fever caused by the blind and the deaf. Later With the efforts of her mentor, Anne Sullivan (Anne Sullivan), so she learned to speak, and began to communicate with other people. And graduated from Harvard University.

Died, moved because of her strong will and remarkable contributions to the world. People everywhere to have carried out activities in honor of her.

Related works

* Miracle founder of the (translated: Helen Keller) (2000 TV the Movie, Disney)
* If Three Days to See
* My life
My teacher

June 1880 27 born in the U.S. state of Alabama 塔斯喀姆比亚.
January 1882, suffering from scarlet fever, blindness deafness.
In March 1887, Anne Sullivan, Keller teacher.
June 1899 was admitted to Harvard University Radcliffe Women's College.
1902-1903 wrote and published "My Life" (some translated as "the story of my life").
University, graduated cum laude in June 1904.
1908-1913 with "My World" (also translated as "I live in the world)," Stonewall Song, "" Out of the darkness. "
Suffered unhappily married in 1916.
1919 was invited to Hollywood starring movie.
Of the main leaders of the American Foundation for the Blind in 1924.
In 1929 the rest of my life "(also translated as" mid-stream ---- my life ").
Tourism British in 1930.
1931-1933 was awarded the honorary degree of Temple University. Visit to France, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom.
Teacher Anne Sullivan, died October 20, 1936.
1942-1952 visit to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia continents, thirteen countries.
Keller's life and work of the documentary film "unconquerable," 1953 U.S. release.
Harvard University won the honorary degree in 1955 with "Teacher: Anne Sullivan Macy"
In 1959, the United Nations launched the "Helen Keller" world movement.
1960 issued by the U.S. overseas Foundation for the Blind, "Helen Keller" bonus.
Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964.
Passed away on June 1, 1968.
Helen Keller, Nobu in the U.S. state of Alabama Tasman Shakespeare City. She was born intelligent, born less than six months, will be able to clearly say "tea" (tea), a few words of the "water" (water), the sensitivity to surroundings is sharp.

Previously, just a year old that year, one evening, the mother while the sun sets with a pot of hot water for scrubbing the body of Helen Keller. However, when the mother since the tub Helen Keller hold up on his knees, was going to take a large towel for her wrapped body, the eyes of Helen Keller, sudden jolts on the floor of the shadows of the trees to attract in the past. She looked curiously at it very attentively, eyeball did not budge, but also could not help but stretch the little hands flutter in the past, seems to have to be grabbed it can not.

At that time, the mother has been noted that in the eyes of Helen Keller, but look in the eyes of the mother, the shadows, however the usual natural phenomenon, nothing to fuss about. So, she absolutely did not think Helen Keller makes so awkward to forward results careless slip a hand, has allowed Helen Keller slipped to the ground, and cried incessantly. Mother knew that the daughter suffered a frightened, quickly Helen Keller my arms, and coaxed a while, Helen Keller quiet down.

Little later, the mother of a quiet recall this happened after she found Helen Keller's observation seems to be particularly sensitive. Usually an age of large

The baby, a vague notion of what things have not attempted to in-depth understanding of the tendency, but the Helen Keller delicate of thinking, and even want to feel the wonderful changes with their body. Of course, compared with adults, Helen Keller's performance is not mature, if compared to other babies may not be too special.

Parents fortunate enough to give birth to an outstanding talent of the child, of course, is elated Lo! Whenever friends and family to the guest house, do not talk about her it, once the conversation turned to Helen Keller who, mother contented joy, it will naturally from the conversation revealed out.

But the joy in the end for how long? Moment when parents Zhengxing Takatori strong talk about a better future of Helen Keller, Helen Keller, but somehow gave birth to a serious illness, this illness is not only claimed the hearts of hope parents, Helen Keller into a look gone, can not hear the little girl.

Poor Helen Keller how to face a world of light, no sound? This is really a headache. Usually educational features a healthy child, is not an easy thing, not to mention Helen Keller was blind and deaf! Perhaps the parents that they can guess, can imagine the mood of Helen Keller, but they absolutely can not understand, just like Helen Keller can not experience a normal life, they are really unable to appreciate.

At first, parents, experimental method was adopted, again and again to try, although they have failed numerous times, but as time goes by, but also worked out a lot of essentials, they passively guess Helen Keller than the hands and feet, sometimes to teach Helen Keller, with body movements to express their emotions.

In addition, Helen Keller learn to use the sense of touch to feel around the Shishiwuwu. That the accumulation of four or five years later, in almost all children with the eyes, the ears can feel Helen Keller can touch, taste. Parents are not disabled education experts, Helen Keller learned the body language, only the parents was able to understand, as to an outsider may be difficult to say.

Always concerned about her daughter's parents, has also been linked to heart this problem, in particular, they expect to eventually age and decay of the day, that time if Helen Keller still can not communicate with outsiders, that Helen Keller later encounter will be very tragic. Thus, in the Helen Keller was seven years old, they brought in from the field a specially trained Sullivan teacher.

Sullivan, the teacher hit it off with Helen Keller, they know not a few days to get along, and Helen Keller learned from Sullivan teacher literacy.

Day in the palm of Helen Keller, the teacher wrote the word "water" to Helen Keller I do not know how to engage in, always can not be helped write it down. The teachers know the difficulties of Helen Keller Where, she took Helen Keller went to the fountain to Helen Keller, the little hand on the blowhole, cool spring water spills in the hands of Helen Keller. Then Sullivan, teacher of Helen Keller's palm, write down the word "water", from the Helen Keller firmly in mind, no longer confused.

However, Sullivan teachers that just know how to literacy and speechless, still inconvenient to communicate. However, childhood deaf and blind Helen Keller, one can not hear others voice to invisible people talk with their mouth type, even though she can not speak dumb, but can not do anything to speak.

To overcome this difficulty, Sullivan, a teacher for Helen Keller to find an expert to teach her to use both hands to feel when people talk with the changes of the lips, and nasal inspiratory, expiratory different, to learn the pronunciation. Of course, this is a very easy thing to do, however, Helen Keller was done. The blind writer Helen Keller, in addition to the breakthrough dysfunction Society to speak, give their life, four speech for people with disabilities, to encourage them certainly, determined to make a residual rather than waste. The love of Helen Keller, not only full confidence of the people with disabilities, to arouse people from various countries to face up to the disability benefits, have set up a service agency to assist them to live healthy and happy.


徐海,男,籍贯湖南长沙人, 2005年-2007年瑞士苏黎世联邦工学院化学系博士后,2007年-2010年耶鲁大学化学博士后,师从现牛津大学校长Hamilton教授等国际上顶尖的化学大师。 2005年,徐海获得博士学位后,赴瑞士联邦理工学院从事博士后研究,其后又到美国耶鲁大学从事博士后研究,合作导师为现任牛津大学校长Hamilton教授等知名学者。 主要从事有机光电功能材料的合成制备以及活性炭复合材料在空气污染物吸附等环保领域的研究等,并于2010年,其研究成果——“卡颂技术”获得美国发明专利,回国后,出任湖南文象集团首席科学家,卡颂新材料科学研究院院长,并成为中南大学化学化工学院高层次引进人才,硕士生导师,2012年任长沙市第十一届政协委员;经湖南省委组织部推荐成为2012中组部“青年拔尖人才”国家级人选,于2014年升任中南大学化工学院副院长。截至目前,已发表高水平科研论文20余篇,获得美国专利1项,中国发明专利5项。徐海博士曾于2007-2010年在耶鲁大学化学系从事博士后研究,他所开展的卡颂技术研究最终取得了关键性突破,并获得了美国专利商标局颁发的发明专利证书。在此期间,徐博士还得到了两位文象集团名誉顾问——现任牛津大学校长Hamilton教授以及美国科学院院士Saunders教授的大力支持。


学过酷睿思通Q脑音标&拼读的孩子完全可以扔掉点读机,看到任何单词都可以轻松读出正确发音,甚至比点读机和老师的发音都准,同时会查英语字典,解决孩子一辈子学习中遇到一切英语单词发音问题,真正做到让自己成为自己的点读机。 推荐去看看,真的很好!搜素Q脑音标或者酷睿思通就行。。


1、两个都是前元音,舌尖抵下齿背。2、发音口型:e 的口型是自然张开的大小;ae的口型较大,嘴角要往两边拉,和咧嘴笑一样的大小。3、发音力度:ae的发音力度要重一点,e的发音力度要轻一点。扩展资料:学习国际英语音标两种方法:国际英语音标早期又称万国音标,是一套用来标音的系统,以拉丁字母为基础,由国际语音学学会设计来作为口语声音的标准化标示方法。国际音标的使用者有语言学家、言语治疗学家、外语教师、歌手、辞书学家和翻译学家等人。按照国际音标的设计,它只可以分辨出口语里下列音质的对立成分:音位、语调以及词语和音节的分隔。若要表示诸如齿间音和由唇颚裂所发出声音的音质,则有另一套获广泛使用的国际音标扩展系统。国际音标遵循一音一符的严格标准,最初用于为西方语言、非洲语言等的标音。经过多年发展,在中国语言学者赵元任等人的努力下,国际音标逐渐完善,已可为汉语等东方语言注音。参考资料:百度百科_英语国际音标


元音字母a/e?/age case date sale /?/ at bag bat marry lag and/e/any many bet leg merry end/?/want watch what cock pot/ɑ:/afternoon class father e/i:/be he me she these we /e/bed best desk get let pen red sell ten when yes i/a?/ice like nine nice price white write/?/big city kid list sing trip wish witho/??/go no notebook old only photo piano sofa /?/clock from lost rock dot/U:/do movie two who/ ?/come month some son color u/ju:/computer music student Tuesday unit huge humid /U:/ruler blue June/ ?/bus but drum fun fuuny lunch run runner /?/put其他字母b/b/bag ballc/ k/call can/s/cityd/d/ dad datef/f/family fatherg/g/game get/d?/geography giraffeh/ h/hat havej/d?/job joink/ k/key kidl/ ?/last latem/m/many mathn/n/name nicep/p/pen playr/ r/red rulers/s/sad salad/z/his is t/ t/table takev/v/video violinw/ w/wont watchx/ks/six sixteen/gz/exampley/ j/year yesz/z/zero zoo


元音(20个)单元音/ɑ:/ / ?/ / ?:/ /?/ /?/ / ?:/ /i:/ /?/ /u:/ /?/ /e/ /?/。双元音:/e?/ /a?/ /??/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /a?/。辅音(28个)清辅音:/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /?/ /ts/ /t?//tr/。浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/ /?/ /dz//d?/ /dr//m/ /n/ /?/ / j// w/ / ?/ / h/ / r/。英文发音注意事项发音的准确性是要看嘴型,如果交流中嘴型不对,意思和口吻可能就相差甚远。每个人都知道,中国普通话有各种各样的音调,当然英语也有不同的声调,英语有英式和美式等之分,所以大家在欣赏课外有声读物的时候,尽量去注意发音的口型。


将26个英文字母按照相同的元音因素归类:1、/ei/ :a h j k 2、/i:/ :e b c d g p t v 3、/e/ : f l m n s x z 4、/ai/ : i y5、/ou/ :o6、/ju:/ :u q w 7、/a:/ : r扩展资料英语国际音标共有48个音素,其中元音音素20个、辅音音素28个。英语字母共有26个,其中有元音字母5个、辅音字母19个、半元音字母2个。20个元音音素,分为单元音和双元音:①12个 单元音:按发音部位把单元音分:前元音:/i?/, /?/, /e/, /?/,中元音:/??/, /?/。后元音:/ɑ?/, /?/, /??/, /?/,/u?/,/?/②8个双元音。合口双元音:/a?/, /e?/, /a?/, /??/, /??/。集中双元音:/??/, /e?/ ,/??/。然后是28个辅音音素,分为清辅音和浊辅音,其中十个清辅音与十个浊辅音恰好成对:①清辅音: /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /θ/ /?/ /t?/ /ts/ /tr/②浊辅音: /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /e/ /?/ /d?/ /dz/ /dr/③剩下的几个音标:/m/,/n/,/l/,/?/,/h/,/r/,/j/,/w/。参考资料:百度百科-音素


“r”的读音为:英 [ɑ?] 、美 [ɑr] 。“r”是英语字母表的第18个字母。单词解析:一、red1、读音:英 [red] 美 [red]2、翻译:adj. 红色的n. 红色3、例句:The dying fire was throwing out a dull red light.将要熄灭的火发出暗红色的光。二、rest1、读音:英 [rest] 美 [rest] 2、翻译:n. 剩余的部分;休息;支撑物;休止符v.休息;(使)倚靠;使(视线)停留在;搁在;依赖;基于;搁置;埋葬3、例句:We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。





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