dear my family

时间:2024-07-21 03:53:51编辑:小松

sm town dear my family 中文歌词

Dear my family


跪求SM.Town《Dear my family》中文音译歌词!!!

Dear my family.. sm town

2012Dear My Family 电影 OST

乃噶色苦死 掐几素噶哦素带

ong加那piong阿起 安林撒狼挂 用gi句小多
克多爱该 康撒那呢波乃哟

带龙红掐啦古你古 开所带靠一所巧
玛丽无落等 请能玛丽来木素带

哦慢那玛尼 啊怕色噶哟 哼地罗死噶哟
一节扫呀 拿来个慢噶太哟

一赛桑一刻乃太噶几 无力用网莫还开赛搞也哟

恰古嘛恩莫阿克 哼 太特 乌林汉娜安个所米个 一色哟
无力喊改还本满的咯哟 没马乐赛桑所该 比起能拿该机


古跟玛尼赛桑你 萌多阿碰爱 起哟还素一所哟
色咯啊巧 句苏门一大秒

一赛桑一刻乃太卡几 无力用网莫还开赛搞也哟

恰古嘛恩莫阿克 哼 太特 乌林汉娜安个所米个 一色哟
无力喊改还本满的咯哟 没马乐赛桑所该 比起能拿该机

无力爱拍所 掐慢还波淋 桑浪等你一单秒
塔西一能乃 坑hi米 团叫一呀还

Boa:那瓦卡疼 卡巧改里送一里 皮哟还疼一噶

恰古嘛恩莫阿克 哼 太特 乌林汉娜安个所米个 一色哟
无力喊改还本满的咯哟 没马乐赛桑所该 比起能拿该机

dear my family的中文音译分配和中文翻译分配(对比的哈) 谢谢亲!

[00:04.10]Dear My Family (Song by SMTOWN)
[00:33.88]?? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? /每当我找不到落脚的地方的时候
[00:42.33]?? ??? ?? ????? ? /每当在暴风中失去方向的时候
[00:49.21]??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? /无论何时都一如既往给于我们爱和勇气
[00:58.54]???? ??? ??? /我要向这些人表示感谢
[01:11.87]?? ???? ??? ?? ??? /有时也会觉得孤独
[01:20.31]?? ??? ???? ? ??? /那往日终日以泪洗面的我的模样
[01:27.24]??? ??? ????? ?????? /无论当时心里有多痛苦 有多辛苦
[01:36.64]???? ? ? ?? ??? /现在我好像都明白
[01:43.81]? ??? ?? ??? /直至我生命结束之时
[01:47.16]? ??? ?? ??? /直到这世界末日之时
[01:52.28]?? ??? ?? ?? ??? /我们会永远相伴
[01:59.64]?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? /小小的心汇聚成大大的力量
[02:08.30]?? ??? ?? ?? ??? /始终相信我们是一体
[02:15.56]???? ?? ???? /我们要一起创作幸福
[02:24.29]??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? /直到让这贫瘠世界充满光明的那天
[02:31.91]???? /我爱你们
[02:41.48]?? ?? ?? ?? ??? /你和我做着同一个梦么
[02:50.33]?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? /真的和我凝望着同一个地方吗
[02:56.56]???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? /只要是那样我们就能治愈这世界郁结的伤痛
[03:05.17]?? ?? ? ?? ??? /只要我们能珍惜彼此
[03:13.03]? ??? ?? ??? /直至我生命结束之时
[03:16.45]? ??? ?? ??? /直到这世界末日之时
[03:22.27]?? ??? ?? ?? ??? /我们会永远相伴
[03:29.24]?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? /小小的心汇聚成大大的力量
[03:38.24]?? ??? ?? ?? ??? /始终相信我们是一体
[03:45.35]???? ?? ???? /我们要一起创作幸福
[03:54.25]??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? /直到让这贫瘠世界充满光明的那天
[04:01.79]???? /我爱你们
[04:05.77]?? ??? ????? ???? ??? /若绝望的人们出现在我们面前
[04:12.90]?? ??? ? ?? ? ??? /我们会给予他们再次站起来的力量
[04:20.45]?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? /因为他们也需要那如同亲人般双手
[04:33.91]?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? /小小的心汇聚成大大的力量
[04:42.25]?? ??? ?? ?? ??? /始终相信我们是一体
[04:49.26]???? ?? ???? /我们要一起创作幸福
[04:58.22]??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? /直到让这贫瘠世界充满光明的那天
[05:10.00]???? /我爱你们


dear my family中文音译和歌词分配。谢谢~



D.0.: 过去经常哭泣的我的摸样
心是有多疼啊 多累啊









SMTOWN的dear my family的中文歌词分配!谢谢



D.0.: 过去经常哭泣的我的摸样
心是有多疼啊 多累啊










边伯贤的英文名字是Beakhyun。边伯贤,艺名BAEK HYUN,1992年5月6日生于韩国京畿道富川市,韩国男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合EXO、EXO-K、EXO-CBX、SuperM成员。边伯贤在学生时期曾多次作为学生代表在校级舞台上表演。2011年,边伯贤考韩国艺术大学时,在考场被星探发掘,后来通过SM Casting System进入S.M Entertainment并成为练习生。人物评价边伯贤一直以帅气温和的外貌而出名,与“运动感”好像相距甚远,但他在《我们小区艺体能》中,展现了华丽而卓越的合气道实力。在道场上,以素颜登场的伯贤释放出柔和而神奇的魅力,除此之外,毫无瑕疵的干净皮肤也吸引了人们的视线。


他韩文的名字是???,而这个韩文的罗马音是Byun Baek Hyun。边伯贤,1992年5月6日生于韩国京畿道富川市,韩国男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合EXO、EXO-K、EXO-CBX成员。2012年4月8日,随EXO-K发行首张迷你专辑《MAMA》并正式出道,专辑发行一个月后售出7万张。2013年8月14日,在纪念韩国与秘鲁两国建交50周年的足球友谊赛中,献唱韩国国歌。2014年2月16日,与SUHO担任音乐节目《人气歌谣》的主持人。2015年4月,主演爱情网络剧《我邻居是EXO》,该剧是韩国首部点击量破千万的网络剧;10月15日,拍摄时尚杂志《ELLE》创刊23周年的画报。社会活动:2013年12月,与时装杂志《The Celebrity》展开宠物生命保护活动。2014年1月,随组合以RCY(韩国红十字青少年)宣传大使的身份,出席总裁表彰仪式及面包制作服务活动,并传达希望的讯息;2月,所属组合与SHINee担任“江南区宣传大使”,希望吸引更多的外国游客访问江南区;3月,随组合前往福利院做志愿者;8月,参与冰桶挑战。2015年12月,所属组合将第二张冬季特别专辑《Sing For You》的部分收益捐赠给慈善组织“SMile for U”,支援亚洲儿童们的音乐教育事业。2016年9月,所属组合EXO成为斯凯奇亚太地区品牌形象代言人,团队成员会在亚太各地陆续进行宣传活动。


鹿晗现在依然很火,只是较以前更低调了,因为他以前走的是当红小鲜肉的路,现在主要进军演艺圈,主要靠拍戏。鹿晗(Lu Han),1990年4月20日出生于北京市海淀区,中国内地流行乐男歌手、影视演员。2008年,赴韩国留学期间在明洞逛街时,被韩国SM娱乐有限公司星探发掘成为旗下练习生。2012年4月,以韩国男子组合EXO/EXO-M成员正式出道,组合内担任主唱、领舞、门面担当。2019年,主演科幻战争电影《上海堡垒》。2020年,担任腾讯视频综艺节目《创造营2020》教练成员。鹿晗的早年经历:鹿晗出生于北京市海淀区,是一个地道的北京孩子。先后就读于北京市育英学校(1996级)、北京市师达中学(2002级)以及北京海淀外国语实验学校(2005级)。2008年,鹿晗赴韩国留学,在延世大学韩国语学堂学习韩语,并通过了韩语等级考试。2009年,考入首尔的一所艺术院校继续深造,在实用音乐艺术系学习。留学期间,在明洞逛街时被韩国SM娱乐有限公司的星探发掘。2010年,通过S.M. Casting System成为旗下练习生。






英语书信作文3篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写信的经历,对书信都不陌生吧,书信是写给具体收信人的私人通信。写起信来就毫无头绪?以下是小编精心整理的英语书信作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英语书信作文1 Dear Mr. / is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克?琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。 我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。 您诚挚的.英语书信作文2 示例: Dear______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in _________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). Every one agrees that it was you who__________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my sincerely Li Ming英语书信作文3 Directions: Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend, Jack, wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation. Write him a reply to 1) thank him, and 2) give should write neatly on the ANSWER notsign your own name at the end of the text. Use “Li Ming” notwrite the points)


  书信也有很多种,那么你们的信件是寄给家人呢,还是朋友呢?下面是我给大家整理的英语书信作文,供大家参阅!   英语书信作文篇1   Dear Mum,   How are you? I haven' t seen you since you left for Beijing.I miss you very much.   I' m proud of you as you are fighting against SARS.   I' m OK now. When my teachers and classmates know you are taking care of the SARS patients in Beijing, they look after me well. Every day the teacher phones me and asks me about my temperature. My classmates often ask me if I need help.   Every morning I get up early and go out for exercises. After breakfast I watch TV. There are teachers giving us lessons on it.In the afternoon I do my homework. When I have some questions,I can telephone my teacher or my classmates. They can give me answers. Mum, take care of yourself. I expect you to come back soon. Yours,   Nannan   亲爱的妈妈:   你好吗?自从你离开我们去了北京,我们就一直没有见面。我很想念你。因为你参加抗击“非典”的斗争,我为你感到骄傲。   我现在很好。当老师和同学们知道你去北京救治“非典”病人后,他们对我非常照顾。老师每天都打电话问体温。同学们也经常问我是否有困难,需要帮助。   每天我很早起床出去锻炼。早饭后,我看电视,老师会通过电视给我们讲课。下午我做作业。当我有问题叶,我可以打电话问老师或同学,他们会给我解答。   妈妈,你要保重。我盼望你早点儿回来。   爱你的女儿 楠楠   英语书信作文篇2   Dear Mother,   How are you in Beijing? It has been ten days since you went to Beijing. I miss you very much. I know it is dangerous to take care of SARS patients, so I' m very worried about you. But I' m very- proud of you.   Don' t worry about me and my study. Every morning I get up early and do morning exercises for half an hour, and then I read English for twenty minutes. After breakfast at about eight I turn on TV and get ready for lessons on it. In the afternoon, I usually do my   homework. Every day the teacher makes a call to me and asks me about my temperature. I think all the people around me are taking good care of me. I' m thankful.   Now the people in the country are fighting against SARS together. I believe we can win the war.   I wish you healthy! I' m expecting you to come back soon. Yours,   Nannan   亲爱的妈妈:   你在北京还好吗?你去北京已有十天了,我很想念你。我知道照顾 “非典”病人是危险的,我很担心你。同时我也为你感到自豪。   别担心我和我的学习。每天早晨,我很早起床。做半小时操,然后读二十分钟英语。早饭后八点左右,我打开电视,准备听电视上的讲课。下午我通常做作业。每天老师都打电话问体温,我觉得周围的人都很关心我,所以我很感激。   现在全国人民都在共同抗击“非典”。我相信,我们一定会取得这场战争的胜利。   祝你健康!盼你早日归来。   爱你的女儿 楠楠   英语书信作文篇3   Dear Mom and Dad,   I love you! I love you so much! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.   Thank you so much for bringing me up! Thand you so much for raising me. I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstaches you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child.You’ve been very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrefices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.   Today I want to tell you something extremely important.   Today I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me any more. I’m grown up!I will be responsible for my life and for my   future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute.I will be happy,confident,positive,and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve   myself.I will never do anything that would harm my mind. I will never do anything that would make you feel disappointed or anhamed. I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and stronger every day. I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up. You’re my best role models.You set a great example for me.   I have so mant great dreams.I know that realizing all these dreams takes a lot of time and effort. But don’t worry about me. Ihave strong confidence in myself. I know if I keep trying,keep working   hard,and keep dreaming, I will definitely realize all my dreams. I will be somebody special.But I will not only care about myself. I will contribute to my school,my hometown,and my country. I will contribute to society. I will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future. I will make a difference in this world.   Dear Mom and Dad,you’ll be proud of me! You will see great results from all your hard work and sacrefice.Thand you very much for your continued support! Thand you very much for your patience,love and understanding. I love you! I appreciate you! I’m very proud of you!   Exercise every day to keep healthy! Enjoy life every day and stay happy! My only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued health and happiness. You brought me into this world to share your life. I will do my best to make sure each day of it is filled with joy and pride.Mom and Dad,you are the best parents in the world! I don’t know what I would have done without you.   All My Everlasting Love,   Your Son/Daughter   亲爱的爸爸妈妈:   我爱你们!我是多么地爱你们啊!我全心全意去爱你们!给你们写这封信是想告诉你们我内心深处的真实感受。   感谢你们抚养我长大!感激你们的哺育之恩,我清楚在过去的这么多年来,你们辛苦地工作。我能想像你们克服了多少困难与艰辛,也能想像这些年来你们所面对的总是还有你们为了让我的生活得更加美好而洒下的热泪与汗水!我能深刻理解,抚养一个小孩是多么巨大的责任,你们对我非常耐心,你们一直在鼓励与帮助我。你们尽最大的努力为我提供生活中最好的东西。你们做出了许许多多的牺牲,也做过很多困难的抉择。我也知道你们对我有殷切的期望。你们希望我成功并快乐,你们希望我成为最好的人,你们希望我能用生命去做伟大的事情,你们希望我能将这个世界变得更加美好。我知道你们对我的未来有许多希望与梦想。   今天我要告诉你们一件极其重要的事。   今天我想跟你们说不需要再为我担心了。我已经长大成人!我会为我的人生   与未来负责的。我会用功读书。我会每天锻炼身体,保持良好状态。每个清晨与夜晚我都会读英语。我会充分利用闲暇的每一分钟。我每天都会快乐、自信、积极向上精力充沛!我会养成良好的习惯,并且利用它们不断完善自己。我不会做任何有伤身心的事情。我不会做任何让你们失望或感到羞耻的事情。我会尽量地多学习,每天变得更聪明、更强壮,在你们身上我看到要达成目标的最好的方法是刻苦,并且永不放弃,你们是我最好的人生楷模,为我树立了一个好榜样。   我有许多伟大的梦想,我知道要实现这些梦想要花很多时间与精力,不过不要为我担心,因为我对自己有强烈的自信心。我知道只要我一直坚持不懈,敢想敢拼,一定能实现我所有的梦想。我会成为不平凡的人,不过我不会只关心自己,我会为学校、为家乡、为祖国做出贡献,我会回报社会,我将用自己的聪明才智让我们的家及我们的祖国拥有一个光辉的未来,我会在这个世上做出点成就来的!   亲爱的爸爸妈妈,你们将会为我自豪的,你们将会看到你们所有的辛苦与牺牲都是有好的结果的,非常感谢你们一直以来的支持!感谢你们对我付出的耐心、关爱与理解。我爱你们!我感激你们!我为你们而自豪!   你们要每天坚持锻炼保持身体健康、享受生活,快乐每一天!我对你们的唯一希望是希望你们能保持健康与幸福。是你们把我带来这个世界上,来分享你们的生活。我会尽力保证每一天你们的生活都是充满快乐与骄傲的。爸爸妈妈,你们是世界上最好的父母!真不知道如果没有你们,我会怎么样。 永远爱你们的儿子   女儿   英语书信作文篇4   My dear mom,   Today I want to tell you the voice from the bottom of my heart.   It is the first time that I feel so close to you to express my true feelings. I want to tell you how much I love you. I am very proud of you.   Time passed so quickly before we could realize. My dear mom, you have gone through 60 springs and autumns. You have experienced so much in the past 60 years. Looking back at history, we could know that enormous changes have taken place in our motherland.   On October 1st, 1949, the People’s Republic of China established when Chairman Mao claimed on Tiananmen Square, “The People’s Republic of China, the Central People’s Government, are setting up today!” When this solemn and significant voice reached to each corner of China, every Chinese was proud to be in extreme happiness. We had suffered too much pain in the old society. October 1st, 1949 is a memorable day, from which our Chinese people stood up and you turned to have a new look.   Since the reform and opening up, you have been developing at a   fast speed and become stronger day by day. From 1978 to 2007, the economy had a reap-forward development. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased at the rate of ten percent. Our total economy jumped to No.4 in the world. The output of grain, cotton, meat, iron and steel, coal, chemical fertilizer, cement and other major agricultural and industrial products ranks first in the world. You became the world’s third largest trading nation. With the past 60 years’ development, we have solved the problem of food and clothing of 1.3 billion Chinese people and basically achieved the comfortable standard. During the last 60 years, we have reduced the number of people who live in poverty from 200 million to 2 million. We have made many achievements in the field of hi-tech and manned space, such as the success of ShenzhouV, ShenzhouVI, ShenzhouVII, and Chang’eI. Moreover, we have basically achieved our goal of making compulsory education universal. People’s living standard has been improved greatly. China’s access to WTO in 2001 was both an opportunity and a challenge to us. On one hand, it gave us great opportunities to communicate with foreign countries on trade and culture; on the other hand, it enabled us to raise our national strength and improve our competitiveness to meet the international standards. Altogether, you are enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.   I can’t help reminding the year of 2008, which was an unusual year   to you. You have experienced some ups and downs.   On January 10th, the ice disaster attacked the south, which brought our country a serious damage. Homes and roads were seriously destroyed. Your children in those areas, including me, suffered a lot. Now I want to tell you my unforgettable experience of that disaster. During that period of time, I was still studying at the high school. It snowed heavily, and the snow became crystal because of the rain and low temperature. Since trees on the campus were blown down and roads were covered with ice, it was hard for us to walk along the schoolyard. What’s worse, there was no electricity, so nothing can be done in the evening but sleep. The situation was even worse in the countryside. Many houses were overwhelmed by ice; roads were destroyed and the contact with the outside was broken. They couldn’t do any daily work. People who worked far away from home could not go back to enjoy the Spring Festival. Fortunately, our elder brothers, Hu Jingtao and Wen Jiabao, provided us with immediate and efficient aids. Finally, we overcame the catastrophe successfully. However, misfortunes never come singly. An abominable riot was launched in Lhasa by the reactionaries on March 14th; the ruthless earthquake on May 12th in Wenchuan made your body even more seriously injured. Your sons and daughters lost their homes and lives. I knew mom you must be heartbroken, and so were our 1.3 million Chinese people as we lost our   brothers and sisters. Our elder brother Jiabao rushed to the earthquake-stricken areas at the very first time and took immediate rescues. When he saw his brothers and sisters suffered so much from the casualties, his eyes moistened. More than ten million soldiers neglected all the difficulties and dangers to rescue their fellowmen, creating miracles one by one. Your sons and daughters in other areas also did their best to help their suffered brothers and sisters. We were all your children. We were all brothers and sisters. Our nation is a united nation. Noting can defeat us. You are very great. Your children learn your strong spirit. We are 1.3 million compatriots, and blood is thicker than water. We are family members and we are your sons and daughters! Nothing can stop us from moving forward!   The most meaningful and glorious event happened in 2008 is the Beijing Olympic Games. With seven years’ hard preparation, you gave a satisfactory answer to the world. It opened the window to foreigners who want to know you and your culture. Moreover, you showed an unprecedented power of self-confidence and openness to the world. Under the humanistic conception of Beijing Olympic Game, the city facilities, the quality of residents and social level of civilization have been further improved. We politely and warmly welcomed guests from all around the world and won the world’s respect. Beijing Olympic volunteers’ sunshine, smiling and diligence became the best showcase   of China’s image to the world. We had won the first place of gold medal. Not only your sons and daughters, but also many people from other countries were deeply touched when the five-star red flag was raised again and again, flying over the sports venues. Motherland, my dear mom, I am very proud of you.   In September 2008, Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft with three astronauts in was successfully launched. Our Chinese dream of the millennium has finally been realized at this moment when the Shenzhou VII under the eye-dragging blazing flames into the sky-line roller. Since then our Chinese people’s footprints were left in the vast universe of space. At that moment, many people were shedding tears of excitement. My dear mom, how great you are. I am proud of you!   All of these can show your greatness and strength. You are enjoying a harmonious development. I know all those owe to your good characters and hardworking. You love peace and show respect to science. As our elder brother Wen Jiabao said, “A country’s development and prosperity hinges on education. Only first-class education and first-class talents can construct first-class country.” A policy of educating normal student free of charge was made because of your focus on education. I benefit a lot from it by honorably becoming a normal student. Not only does the policy reduce my family’s burden, but also I am able to realize my dream. I don’t know how to pay back to   you. Perhaps to study hard and be a qualified teacher to educate the “flowers” of our nation is the best way to repay you.   Mom, you have made great achievements during the past years. However, there are still some defects in this progress. Without reflection, a nation will not become a great one and have a long-term development. We must learn to reflect on the lessons we have experienced. It is worthy of recognizing our achievements which were made during the past 60 years. On the other hand, we have to face some contradictions among them are some typical conflicts. The expansion of economy demands for more energy, water, land and other important resources, which brings threat to our definite resources and does lots of damages to our environment. Now we are facing the great challenges to achieve sustainable development. The gap between rich and poor is growing rapidly. What’s more, the development of social security, health care and education lagged behind the development of economy. Besides, the problems of corruption in vogue, moral turpitude and materialistic value are becoming more and more prominent, which greatly hinder our development. If we want to have a steady and fast development, we need to take some measures to deal with these problems. In my opinion, we should deepen the reform and accelerate the economic development mode. We should vigorously promote the strategic adjustment of economic structure and focus on improving the ability of independent   innovation and the international competitiveness. It is also very important to promote coordinate regional development and narrow the gap between region developments. In addition, persistently carrying out the policy of enhancing the energy and resource conservation and environmental protection will be effective. Only by handling the relationships among various interests properly can we be able to have a good and long-term development. In short, to become a country with comprehensive and sustainable development we still have a long way to go.   This year, 2009, is your sixty-year-old birthday. Mom, sincerely wish you a happy birthday! When I was watching the military parade on Tiananmen Square this National Day through the screen, I felt very excited. I am very proud of being a Chinese. So wonderful!   How great you are, my dear mom! I even can not find words to express my feelings at this moment. Mom, I love you so much! I am so proud to be your daughter. It is you who have brought me up and give me a warm and beautiful home. How great you are! Bless you, my dear mom! I wish you a harmonious, united and prosperity future!   Yours lovely daughter, Leah.


  家也许就是一种期盼,家由家庭成员组成的,你知道写一位家庭成员的英语昨晚恩应该怎么写吗?下面是我给大家整理的写家庭成员的 英语 作文 ,供你参考!

  My father is thirty four years old, tall, thin lips, a high nose bridge on wearing a pair of golden glasses and a black head of hair, looks very cool. My father endurance is very strong, not only love the work, and have a bright and cheerful disposition, never to lose his temper.

  My father is a workaholic, a day is a maximum, he was at home is also a unshakeable "anchored" - not sitting in computer room drawing is to see the computer. Because he is a secondary computer division! There is only a day of rest on Sunday - and he also computer half a day to the computer to find information.

  Once, when I do my math homework, with an asterisk questions baffled me all of a sudden, I left think right think, draft paper with two copies, or do not come out. I ask dad, dad a see see, take a sheet of paper, draw up to tell me, he spoke three times, my mind was a blank, I thought dad want to scold me, thought: "bad"! Dad said: "the computation for the parent to tell you again". I was very happy, this times I understood, I put my homework done together. The next day, the teacher also praised me that question. I thought to myself, "this is my dad's credit".

  I am proud to have such a father.
  My father was born in "the June 1 children's day", perhaps this is the reason why he never grow up. Although he is 35 years old, but he is still like a child full of mischief and sense of humor.

  Father always get up early in the morning every day, and then began to call my mother and I get up. If we don't get up, he had a lot of big idea: the audio voice up, the cold hand ice into bed with me. If we don't get up, he suddenly put the quilt away. My mother and I protested loudly, my all quick enough, as he was triumphant smile.

  On another occasion, my mother and I in idioms solitaire game to play, dad in the side when the audience. When I back to "burn out", I suddenly let father take a word, dad, of course, I don't know, but won't give up, thought for a moment and said, "all dead!" I said: "no, the next word is: in vain!" Dad vigorously said: "the movie is drawn up, must be all dead!" My mother and I laugh shed tears.

  Father's love, I love my dad!
  My father a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, high nose, wearing a pair of thick glasses, smile is very cute, like a rubber doll. Is beginning to, however, is very terrible. Remember once, I refuse to play the piano, my father gave me posing as a teacher of the shelves, and eyes were wide, fingers are going back to my nose, said angrily: "you exactly is to play, or not to play?" Looks like a Wolf to eat the sheep.

  My father is a teacher, he is very love learning. Every morning, after breakfast, began to read English. He usually is not working at the computer, in reading, but also wrote many books.

  Dad usually like to speak a joke for me, made me laugh often. Don't know that he gave his students in the class, will be like this?

  Dad go to sports every afternoon, sometimes I run, sometimes ice skating, sometimes at home to do sit-ups, sometimes put me as his sports equipment, go to give to give!

  I love my father very much, no matter what, to me I will not change my dad.
  My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

  Every member in my family works for his or her own trade. My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination. I wish that I could be enrolled by a famous universit

