i run for life

时间:2024-07-19 00:53:07编辑:小松

run for your life的歌词,最好有翻译

Matt Cardle - Run For Your Life   麦特·卡德尔 - 追逐你的人生   You need somebody who likes themself   你需要一个只爱惜自己的人   Who lives for life and never calls for help   只为自己而活 不求助于他人(不示弱于他人)   You need somebody to walk you back   你需要一个追随在你身后的人   Someone who loves you too before you ask   一个爱你至深 用情至真的人   You're worth more, you're worth more than this   这样的付出值得 你值得享受这样的待遇   You can take a leap without the risk   你可以纵身一跃 无所顾忌   There's no time, there's no time for this   时间不多 这样的机会不多   Take your love and start again   带上你的爱情 重新开始   So run for your life, run for your life   去追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活   If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time   如果你能将彻底忘记 或许你会及时赶到那里   You need someone who can stand alone   你需要一位出类拔萃 卓尔不凡的真命天子   Who finds the way, instead of being shown   能为你找到真爱之路 而非徒有虚名   Somebody with confidence   一个满怀自信的人   Who's strong enough to be hit more than once   坚毅无比 百折不挠   You'll find more, you'll find more than this   你会找到许多 远不止这一个   Take the world that's at your fingertips   整个世界都在你的掌控之中   Don't waste time, don't waste time with this   时不我待 机不可失   Take your love and start again   带上你的爱情 重新开始   So run for your life, run for your life   去追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活   If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time   如果你将我弃之一旁 或许你会及时赶到那里   Run, run and don't look back again   追逐 放手追逐 不要有所顾忌   Run, run, one day you'll understand   追逐 放手追逐 有朝一日你会明白   I'm not, no, I'm not who you think I am   我不是 不是那个你想象中的我   (So run for your life)   去追逐你的生活   Run and don't look back again,runand don't look back again   不要有所顾忌 不要再回头   (Run for your life)   去追逐你的生活   One day you'll understand,one dayyou'll understand   有朝一日 你会明白,有朝一日你会明白   (If you leave me behind)   如果你将我弃之一旁   You'll get there in time   或许你会及时赶到那里   Run for your life, run for your life   追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活   If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time   如果你能将我彻底忘记 或许你会及时赶到那里


Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball:歌词+中文翻译

We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain
那些挣捉,把彼此的心囚禁 到头来还是白费力气
We jumped, never asking why
我们改变著 却从不问原因
We kissed, I fell under your spell
我们的亲吻 我被你的魅力吸引
A love no one could deny
一段 没有人敢否认的爱情

Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你难道没说过 叫我离去
I will always want you
I can’t live a lie, running for my life
我不能活在谎言中 为了生活到处奔波
I will always want you /但我会在你身旁

I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未为了爱情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 从来只有伤害我
Yeah, you wreck me

I put you high up in the sky
And now, you’re not coming down
而你 却不再归来
It slowly turned, you let me burn
时间冉冉进行 你却任由我在那焚烧
And now, we’re ashes on the ground
而现在 我们全变成了大地的尘灰

Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你难道没说过 叫我离去
I will always want you
I can’t live a lie, running for my life
我不能活在谎言中 为了生活到处奔波
I will always want you

I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未为了爱情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 从来只有伤害我
I came in like a wrecking ball
我有像铁球般 冲来
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
耶 我闭上了眼 摆汤著自己
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall
让我砸入火坑 让我坠落
All you ever did was break me
但你 从来只有伤害我
Yeah, you wreck me

I never meant to start a war
我永远不指望的是 跟你争吵
I just wanted you to let me in
我想要的 只是看进你心房
And instead of using force
以取代 那种占有欲
I guess I should’ve let you in
我也该承认 我该对你坦诚
I never meant to start a war
我永远不指望的是 跟你争吵
I just wanted you to let me in
我想要的 只是看进你心房
I guess I should’ve let you in
我想 当初 也该让你进我心房

Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你难道没说过 叫我离去
I will always want you

I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未为了爱情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 从来只有伤害我
I came in like a wrecking ball
我有像铁球般 冲来
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
耶 我闭上了眼 摆汤著自己
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall
让我砸入火坑 让我坠落
All you ever did was break me
但你 从来只有伤害我
Yeah, you wreck me
Yeah, you wreck me


Run For Your Life 歌词

歌曲名:Run For Your Life歌手:matt cardle专辑:2011年9月欧美新歌速递You need somebody who likes themselfWho lives for life and never calls for helpYou need somebody to walk you backSomeone who loves you too before you askYou’re worth more, you’re worth more than thisYou can take a leap without the riskThere’s no time, there’s no time for thisTake your love and start againSo run for your life, run for your lifeYou need someone who can stand alone]Who finds the way, instead of being shownSomebody with confidence]Who's strong enough to be hit more than onceYou'll find more, you'll find more than this]Take the world that's at your fingertips]Don't waste time, don't waste time with thisTake your love and start againSo run for your life, run for your lifeIf you leave me behind, you'll get there in timeRun, run and don't look back againRun, run, one day you'll understandI'm not, no, I'm not who you think I amSo run for your life, run for your lifeIf you leave me behind, you'll get there in timeRun for your life, run for your lifeIf you leave me behind, you'll get there in timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/20673539


加涅把人类的学习分为八个层次:一是信号学习。这是最低级层次的学习。"无论在普通家畜方面或在人类方面,对于信号学习普遍都是熟悉的。"二是刺激一一反应学习。加涅认为,这一层次的学习相似于桑代克的"尝试错误学习"和斯金纳的"操作性学习"。它只涉及一个刺激与一个反应之间的单个联络;而且剌激与反应是统一地联结在一起的。三是连锁学习。这是一种成系列的单个"S-R"的结合的 学习。有些连锁学习是由肌肉反应组成的,而有些连锁学习完全是言语的。四是言语联结学习。这是指语言学习中言语的连锁化,包括字词形声义的联想和言语顺序的学习。五是辨别学习。这是指学习者对某一特别集合中的不同的成份作出不同的反应的学习。六是概念学习。这是指对事物的共同特征进行反应的学习。 其中有些概念可以通过学习者与环境的直接接触来获得,但有些概念则要运用语言对事物进行分类、归纳和概括才能获得。七是原理(规则)学习。这是对概念间关系的认识或理解。例如,从 对"圆的东西"和"滚动"两个概念间关系的认识中得出"圆的东西会滚动"的规则。八是解决问题学习。这是规则学习的一个自然的扩大,是一种"高级规则"的学习。扩展资料:一、学习结果加涅认为,人类的学习有五类结果,表现为五种不同的能力,即言语信息、智力技能、认知策略、运动技能和态度。一是言语信息。加涅认为,这是一种学习者表述观念的能力。之所以称为"言语信息",是因为"信息是言语的,或者说得比较明确些,信息是可以表达的"。二是智慧技能。加涅认为,这是学习者使利用符号成为可能的能力咱例如,读写算是低年级儿童所学习的利用符号的基本种类,随着学习的进展,他们就会以比较复杂的方式来利用符号。智慧技能并不是单一形式,它有层次性,由简单到复杂,包括四层次:辨别,概念,规则,高级规则。三是认知策略。加涅认为,这是学习者用来调节他自己内部注意、学习、记忆与思维过程的能力。认知策略可以应用于任何科目的学习。四是运动技能。加涅认为,这是学习者学习由许多有组织者的肌肉运动所形成的综合活动的能力。运动技能不是指个别的动作,而是强调动作的完整性和统一性。五是态度。加涅认为,这是影响个人选择行动的内部状态。 在他看来,人的行动是受态度影响的,但态度又是人的动作的结果。二、学习过程每一类学习中都蕴藏着前一类的学习。在加涅看来,任何一个学习过程也是有层次性的,都是由一个个具体的学习阶段构成的。他把学习过程依次分为八个阶段:动机阶段:一定的学习情境成为学习行为的诱因,激发个体的学习活动,在这个阶段要引发学生对达到学习目标的心理预期.领会阶段:也称了解阶段,在这个阶段中,教学的措施要引起学生的注意,提供刺激,引导注意,使刺激情境的具体特点能被学生有选择的知觉到.获得阶段:这个阶段起着编码的作用,即对选择的信息进行加工,将短时记忆转化为长时记忆的持久状态.保持阶段:获得的信息经过复述、强化之后,以一定的形式(表象或概念)在长时记忆中永久地保存下去。回忆阶段:这一阶段为检索过程,也就是寻找储存的知识,使其复活的过程。概括阶段:把已经获得的知识和技能应用于新的情境之中,这一阶段涉及到学习的迁移问题。操作阶段:也叫作业阶段。在此阶段,教学的大部分是提供应用知识的时机,使学生显示出学习的效果,并且同时为下阶段的反馈做好准备。反馈阶段:学习者因完成了新的作业并意识到自己已达到了预期目标,从而使学习动机得到强化。加涅认为:“值得注意的是强化主宰着人类的学习,因为学习动机阶段所建立的预期,此刻在反馈阶段得到了证实。”参考资料来源:百度百科-加涅


尊敬的领导、老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好!首先,我很荣幸能作为学生代表在这里发言,同时也很感激大家的支持和厚爱我以我的切身体验向大家介绍一些学习方法和心得:一、学习态度我想要想搞好学习,最重要的就是端正学习态度,这是最根本的,所谓的那些科学的学习方法,学习技巧都必须有端正的学习态度。强烈的求知欲作保障。如果同学是从心底就对学习抱着一种懈怠,躲避的态度,那么所有的一切都是空谈,想提高成绩是很困难的。也许每次说到学习都会谈到学习态度这个词,有些老生常谈了,但真正做到每天有极佳的精神状态来面对学习是极其困难的,我想推动我努力学习的动力就是从骨子里透着的一种自强和不服输的精神,虽然我是一个比较内向,不怎么爱说,但每次看到有同学的成绩更好,就会有像超过的冲动和欲望,而当自己做到了之后,就会有一种满足感,依此下去,就形成了良性循环,也就有了动力,一个充分证明自我价值,得到满足的过程。二、在家中的学习及一些方法为什么要单独谈到在家中的学习呢?我想这主要是因为,在学校上课有老师维持课堂纪律,有紧张而有节奏的教学生活,每个人的学习质量都相差无几,就算差也差不到哪去,上自习又有严格的制度约束,保证学习质量。这样,在家中的学习质量的重要性就更加突现出来。我想真正拉开差距的话就是自主学习质量高低,如果在平时上课注意听讲,在辅以有深度、有精度、有长久度的自主学习,那成绩自然好得很快了. 以上都是我的学习方法,这些方法对我的学习非常有用。当然,学习方法还有很多不是每种方法对任何人都适用,因为每种学习方法都有不同的特点,每个人的情况也各不相同。希望你们会考出好成绩。谢谢大家!

有首女声的英文歌,歌词里面有“I and you you and me we are wrong.... 什么的 ! 求歌名>>>

we are one是这首不Didn't need to ask 不需要问
Don't know the reason 不知道原因
Everything that I believe 我所相信的一切
Is right here 在这里都是对的
Not thinkin' bout tomorrow 不要考虑明天
Couldn't catch it if I tried 如果我尝试了还是无法抓住它
World is spinning too fast 世界旋转着 太快
So I'll wait 'til it comes to me 因此我会一直等到它来到我身边
I love you 我爱你
You are me 你就是我
We are one 我们是合二为一的
Take me in your arms 拥我入你的臂弯
And flow through me 漂游着穿透我的灵魂
I'll flow through you 我也会穿透你的
Steal my breath away 偷走我的呼吸吧
Cause I'm so moved by you 因为我是如此地被你感动
Deeper than I ever thought 比我曾经想过的还要深切
Was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh 可能的,可能的,是一切。噢
Difference between me and you 我与你之间的不同
It's all in where your heart lies 全都在你心的谎言里
And every day's another chance 每一天都是另一个机会
So let's get it right 让我们使它变得正确吧
I love you 我爱你
You are me 你就是我
We are one 我们是合二为一的
Take me in your arms 拥我入你的臂弯

And flow through me 漂游着穿透我的灵魂
I'll flow through you 我也会穿透你的
Did you lose yourself out there 你在那儿迷失了你自己吗
Did you lose faith and give up 你丧失了信念放弃了吗
Don't turn away and hide yourself 不要转身离去 把你自己隐藏起来
Cause there's a friend to make along the way 因为在路上还有一个要交的朋友
We are the heartbeat and our souls speak 我们是那心跳 我们的灵魂讲话
And all the beauty I have ever dreamed 我曾梦过的一切的美
Is right here in front of me, oh 就在这儿,我的面前,噢
Is right here in front of me, oh 就在这儿,我的面前,噢

I love you (以下歌词均为上段重复)
And you are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you
Kelly Sweet - We Are One
Didn't need to ask
Don't know the reason
Everything that I believe
Is right here
Not thinkin' bout tomorrow
Couldn't catch it if I tried
World is spinning too fast
So I'll wait 'til it comes to me
I love you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you
Steal my breath away
Cause I'm so moved by you
Deeper than I ever thought
Was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh
Difference between me and you
It's all in where your heart lies
And every day's another chance
So let's get it right
I love you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you
Did you lose yourself out there
Did you lose faith and give up
Don't turn away and hide yourself
Cause there's a friend to make along the way
We are the heartbeat and our souls speak
And all the beauty I have ever dreamed
Is right here in front of me, oh
Is right here in front of me, oh
I love you
And you are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you

歌词里有 why for you and me 的英文歌曲

Only love
Two am and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You're telling me you're so confused
You can't make up your mind
Is this meant to be
You're asking me
But only love can stay
Try again or walk away
But i believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So i just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But i can make you see it through
That's something only love can do
In your arms as the dawn is breaking
Face to face and a thousand miles apart
I've tried my best to make you see
There's hope beyond the pain
If we give enough
If we learn to trust
But only love can stay
Try again or walk away
But i believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So i just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But i can make you see it through
That's something only love can do
I know if I could find the words
To touch you deep inside
You'll give my dreams just one more chance
To let this be our last goodbye
But only love can stay
Try again or walk away
But i believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So i just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But i can make you see it through
That's something only love can do
That's something only love can do


1、她飞跑着,两条腿像钟摆一样机械地抬起落下,又抬起,再落下。 She ran, her legs lifted and fell mechanically like pendulums, and then lifted and fell again. 2、我所做的只是在自己炮制的惬意的空虚和怀旧的静默中不断奔跑,这是一件很美妙的事,不管别人怎么说。 All I did ing, regular life, healthy clothes. 9、跑步的时候,不要有太高的期待,把握好每个跑步的细节,往往会有好的成绩;人生没有太高的要求,关注到每个成长的细节,往往会有超出预期的成就。 oneself think a lot of problems. 14、一直在原地的运动是踏步,往前的是跑步,但是生活为什么永远为一样东西原地踏步呢! The movement that has been in place is treading, and the movement that goes ahead is running, but why does life always tread in place for the same thing? 15、我去跑步不纯粹是一种体育锻炼,从一定意义上讲,它也是一种职责,一种生活必需,或者说一种精神追求。 I go running is not only a kind of physical exercise, in a sense, it is also a duty, a necessity of life, or a spiritual pursuit. 16、看到阿走跑步时的矫健英姿,全身上下在高速运转显露出的悠然自得,尽管相识了解已久,但看到这个似乎是为跑步而生的男人在全力奔跑时,青濑依然为之折服。 Although I have known him for a long time, I am still convinced to see the man who seems to have been born for running when he is running all the time. 17、喜欢跑步,喜欢倾听耳边的啾啾虫鸣;喜欢耳边的习习凉风;喜欢思想的天马行空;喜欢跑步时的大汗淋漓;喜欢肆意自由而急促的呼吸;喜欢冲刺时的感觉和喜悦。 Like running, like listening to the chirp of insects in the ear; like the cool breeze in the ear; like the free thinking; like running sweat dripping; like wanton free and rapid breathing; like the feeling and joy of sprint. 18、跑步,让我不再轻易迷失在各种诱惑里,不再回过头去关心身后的种种是非与议论。不去顾及已经走过的路,我要向前走。 Running, let me no longer easily lost in various temptations, no longer look back to care about the various rights and bines te ent he crosses the finish line. 44、最好的跑步,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。独自跑步,不受羁绊,没有约束。有一天,穿上跑鞋,带上自己,有多远,跑多远。 The best way to run is to find a long-lost feeling in a strange place. Running alone, unbounded, unbounded. One day, put on running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far to run. 45、嗬,好家伙!他这一跑起来,你就看不见他的腿怎样抬、怎样落,连一点响声都听不见,真比鹰追兔子还快。 Oh, boy! As soon as he runs, you can't see how his legs lift and fall, and you can't even hear a sound. It's faster than an eagle chasing a rabbit. 46、看!他向前猛跑几步,到了踏板跟前,脚用力一蹬,身子用力一弓,同时。胳膊向后一摆,身子向前一跃,像猛虎扑食一样腾空而跃起,然后轻轻地落到松软的沙坑里。 Look! He sprinted forward a few steps, reached the pedal, pushed his foot hard, bowed hard, at the same time. The arm swung backward, the body leaped forward, leaped up like a tiger, and then fell gently into the soft sand pit. 关于跑步的经典语录(65条) 一、喜欢跑步,喜欢倾听耳边的啾啾虫鸣;喜欢耳边的习习凉风;喜欢思想的天马行空;喜欢跑步时的大汗淋漓;喜欢肆意自由而急促的呼吸;喜欢冲刺时的感觉和喜悦。 二、如果想哭,就去跑步,让泪水变成汗水蒸发掉。 三、做事就像在进行一次跑步,总会有终点,既然这样,为什么不跑快点呢?快一点跑完,就多一点轻松,多一点闲心去享受风景。 四、还记得吗?那些年我们一起罚跑步,不负的我们在夕阳下对着全校扯嗓子唱征服。 五、告诉你,我好想跑步,因为跑步可以把眼泪蒸发掉。 六、能把跑步坚持到底的几乎都是成功人士。 七、我虽然很不擅长跑步,但那时却如脱兔般逃离了。 八、谈恋爱就跟跑步一样,你不能总指望男人的速度总像起跑时一样。 九、从前,有个胖子每天坚持跑步,然后他成功减肥了,你呢? 十、走路会撞到,跑步会摔跤。人无论做什么事情都有可能受伤。人生只要活着就会不停地受伤的。 十一、哪怕你能生吃铁锤,口能喷火,智商高到脑浆每天从双耳流出,但你仍然有做不到的事:比如拉屎的时候不能跑步。 十二、一个人在操场上跑步,心里很平静,我就知道,在孤单的这条河里,我已学会了游泳。 十三、之后的跑步生涯,无非是被困在椭圆形的跑道上,拼命挣扎并抵抗时间流逝的速度。 十四、跑步很累时好开心,因为我还活着,活。 十五、时光就像跑步机,只要你稍停脚步,它就会超越你。 十六、跑步,让我不再轻易迷失在各种**里,不再回过头去关心身后的种种是非与议论。不去顾及已经走过的路,我要向前走。 十七、做一个幸福的人,读书、跑步、努力工作,关心身体和保持好心情,成为最好的自己。 十八、如果灰姑娘的鞋是完美合脚的,那为何在跑步的时候会掉在地上? 十九、跑步的人是孤独的,内心更是丰富的。 二十、违背了自己定下的原则,哪怕只有一次,以后就将违背更多的原则。 二十一、一个人跑步,正是一个人品味孤单,品味生命的时刻。 二十二、如果难过,就抬头望天吧,它那么大一定可以包容你所有委屈;如果想哭,就去跑步吧,把眼泪变成汗水蒸发掉。 二十三、就像在集体跑步的时候,每个顾全大局的人,都不会因为自己的鞋带不小心开了而停止前进。 二十四、中年以后的男人,别把自己的身材搞得一塌糊涂。腾出时间适当运动一下,譬如打打球、跑跑步、走走路都能对身心起到积极的作用。 二十五、在跑步机上跑来跑去,也没有跑出去过一次。距离不断增加,人还呆在原地。 二十六、无论是背单词,还是跑步,暗恋一个人,这辈子,除了活着,我坚持最长的事就是听你的歌,因为我没有故事,只有一场最长的电影。 二十七、我所做的只是在自己炮制的惬意的空虚和怀旧的静默中不断奔跑,这是一件很美妙的事,不管别人怎么说。 二十八、跑步五千米,这个数字是天文数字,这项运动是在创造奇迹。 二十九、我一直都不是个坚定的人,从现在开始,便只坚持三件事:跑步,自考,不联系你! 三十、人生就像跑步机,只有不断奔跑,超越自我,才能不被它拖着被动的后退。 三十一、每次当我跑步跑不动的时候,摸着肚子上的一圈轮胎,我又有了无穷动力。 三十二、体胖还需勤跑步,人丑就该多读书。 三十三、摩卡的卡路里可是很**的,我可不想为了喝这个在跑步机上浪费2个小时。 三十四、跑步练耐力,散步练耐心。 三十五、想哭时就去跑步吧,或者去兜风也不错。 三十六、我只是喜欢他跑步认真的模样,喜欢他的态度,我喜欢看他冲刺,喜欢看他跨过终点的那一刻。 三十七、突然发现,以后在跑步累个半死的时候,是再也不会有人给我加油了。 三十八、跑步,节食,规律生活,健康作息,有点情趣的爱好,有点奢侈的享受,一样都不能落下。 三十九、我仿佛找到了你,跑步上前却只抓住了一手带着你独有气味儿的空气,一步步倒退,却找不到了我刚才站的位置。 四十、悲伤就去跑步吧,这样眼泪流的就不至于太着痕迹。 四十一、为了跑步第一名,头发梳成流线型;为了跳舞第一名,像个陀螺转不停;看你憋得快不行,短信祝你好心情! 四十二、跑步是一种独特的体验,它融合了人类的两种原始冲动:恐惧与快感。无论是害怕了还是快活了,我们都会去跑步。既是奔跑着逃开不幸,也是奔跑着追寻幸福。 四十三、当我决定去操场跑步时,才发现看到那些男男女女以及男女时,我身边连只狗都没有。 四十四、跑步永远是我最差劲的项目。仅仅八百米我都要跑上四分钟,我跑得那么慢,而你却走得那么快,怪不得我追不上你。 四十五、奥林匹克希腊圣地,山上刻着千古名句:“你想得到健康吗?那你就跑步;你想得到聪明吗?那你就跑步”。 四十六、一个人坚持跑步一周不难,坚持学英语几天不难,难的是把优秀养成习惯,坚持7、8个月,坚持一年,坚持更久。 四十七、一直在原地的运动是踏步,往前的是跑步,但是生活为什么永远为一样东西原地踏步呢! 四十八、我幻想过千百次,不管是在夜里还是在正午,有时是在跑步,有时是在梦里,我都多么的想告诉你我爱你。 四十九、不开心的时候,一个人跑跑步,打打篮球,出点汗,就开心了。 五十、去跑步吧,趁大家还把你的跑步称之为“健身”而不是“减肥”。 五十一、无聊的时候,最好听听音乐,或者睡睡觉,或者找点事情做做。例如跑跑步,打打球。不然,很容易胡思乱想和叹世感伤! 五十二、朋友,你喜欢跑步吗,喜欢的话就和我一起大步向前奔跑吧! 五十三、我失恋的时候我要去跑步,因为跑步是能够把我体内多余的水分蒸发掉,那样比较不容易流泪。 五十四、喜欢跑步,在跑步中能让自己想通许多的问题。 五十五、不相信你,不相信自已,不喜欢那样的生活,没有办法再继续了,反正我也一个人跑步,你也一个人骑马。 五十六、为什么你感觉累,因为你一直把自己放在跑步机上!何不试着抱着个大皮球,做做瑜珈呢? 五十七、跑步教会我的是自律,是克制,是不放弃,是死磕到底。 五十八、就像是跑步一样,追不到想追的人,等不到想等的人,这种无力感,只有自己知道。 五十九、连续跑步追赶你的速度,渐渐发觉自己忽略脚下的足迹! 六十、社会就像跑步机,只有你奋力像前跑才会发现自己前进了一点。 六十一、她十三岁开始穿高跟鞋,十六岁可以穿着七厘米的高跟鞋跑步,她穿高跟鞋就和穿平底鞋一样。 六十二、要说,我为什么比你们跑得快的话,那是因为在你们听到要跑步的时候,我已经站在了跑道上。 六十三、可能你不会相信,但我可是连放假了也有坚持去跑步哦。 六十四、晚上在睡觉,早上在睡觉,上课在睡觉,吃饭在睡觉,跑步时在假寐,打游戏时兴奋不已,这就是我平常的一天。 六十五、院子里的花开了,跑步时与那香气撞了个满怀,两圈过后,待我细细寻觅,却觅不到那花,也嗅不到那香气了。 莎士比亚经典语录英文 莎士比亚经典语录英文 1、Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因德行而没落。——《一报还一报》 2、O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。——《一报还一报》 3、I’ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no an? mit. (A Merchant of Venice 2.6) 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。——《威尼斯商人》 13、All that glisters is not gold. (A Merchant of Venice 2.7) 闪光的并不都是金子。——《威尼斯商人》 14、So is the and dignity: love looks not pact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 20、Beauty, my only hate ! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5) 我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 26、eo and Juliet 2.3) 年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 28、It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2) 那是东方,而朱丽叶就是太阳。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 29、A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2) 超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关的路人。——《哈姆雷特》 30、Frailty, thy name is an, dear my lord, is the immediate je th’entire point. (King Lear 1.1) 爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。——《李尔王》 46、How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. (King Lear 1.4) 逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。——《李尔王》 47、Blow, winds, and crack cheeks! Rage! Blow! (King Lear 3.2) 吹吧!风啊!吹破你的脸颊,猛烈地吹吧!——《李尔王》 48、‘Tis this times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind. (King Lear 4.1) 疯子带瞎子走路,这就是这个时代的病态。——《李尔王》 49、h 1.1) 美即是丑,丑即是美。——《麦克白》 曼德拉经典语录英文 曼德拉经典语录英文 1、 of others. 自由不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,还意味着以一种尊重并增加他人自由的方式生活。 6、I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, bine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great es your partner. 若想与敌和平共处,就要与敌并肩作战。敌亦将为友。 13、In my country behind and to put others in front, especially reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement. 让自由来主宰一切吧。对于如此辉煌的人类成就,太阳永远不会停止照耀。 17、Let there be and mine cannot be separated. 只有自由的人才能谈判,身陷牢笼的人没有谈判的资格。你们的自由和我的自由是不可分割的。 21、There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the . 不存在部分自由之说。 25、There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. 回到一个未曾改变的地方,却发现自己已经改变,没有什么这更美妙。 26、e, the village in childhood frolicking hillside walk. 我已经演完了我的角色,现在只求默默无闻地生活。我想回到故乡的村寨,在童年时嬉戏玩耍的山坡上漫步。



She ran, two legs as mechanical lift down like a pendulum, and lift down again.


I shot, a stride out with all his strength to run, the wind whistling ear ring.


With the sound of a shot, the athletes have jumped out of the starting line, like the arrow as rushed forward. They refused to give the runway on the dusty sea tide surging and the same as.


Step to a large, stable speed, a hollow, breathing uniform are running skills, in addition to what don't stop halfway, breathing through the mouth to the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth and so on, the teacher said a lot, but was really in the actual I really do not know, at least, not all use.


Running, let me no longer easily lost in all kinds of temptations, no longer to look back to care for all kinds of behind and other arguments. Not to take care of the road I have passed, I want to go forward.


See a walk when running the powerful yingzi, carefree and content revealed in the high-speed operation of the body, although some acquaintance long already, but see this seems to be born for the running man in full run, Seto is still green at.


All of a sudden, when the running was half dead, there would be no more gas for me.


After the start, after a few minutes of hard work, he put all the competitors far behind, with the championship easily and Haomaidi running in the runway, toward the final goal.


Out of the starting line, a few athletes or almost straight racing together bridle to bridle, one line, but in the twinkling of an eye it apart, the formation of irregular curve.


Someone once told me that running was the simplest exercise, but it was just the same action that had been repeated all the time. And I readily agreed with him. He was right, but when I was tired and panting on the grass after I ran, I would always grind his teeth on the grass.


I quickly ran Beiqishubao, door, or late will be criticized by the teacher.


Oh, boy! When he ran, you could not see how his legs were lifted and falling, and even a little sound could not be heard, and it was faster than the hawk chasing the rabbit.


The movement that has always been in place is treadle. It is running, but why life is always the same thing.


Being a happy person, reading, running, working hard, caring about the body and keeping a good mood, become the best of yourself.


My sister desperately ran and ran to the front of me, I am busy Dodge, sister bumped into my arms.


The true meaning of running is to run more and more quickly, run down, and leave the body out of the body.


People don't stop running because they are old, but they get old because they stop running.


Running is a unique experience that combines two kinds of human primordial impulses: fear and pleasure. We all go running, whether they are afraid or happy. Is running away and running unfortunately, the pursuit of happiness.


When a person is unhappy, a person runs running, plays basketball, sweats a little, and is happy.


Running is a process, a process of enjoying all the friends have to stretch the running bath, the first ray of morning sun, greedily sucking the fragrant grass, feeling the dew vitality, running to the other life, a beautiful color.


Running this boring and lonely, who forced you to come, it is the heart that the fire was lit up, they will stick to most willing to.


Sometimes to run. Love running, love listening to the ears of the chirp insects; love the ear of the cool breeze; love the idea of a powerful and unconstrained style while running with sweat; love; love freely and shortness of breath; the feeling of joy and love sprint.


See! He ran a few steps forward, to the foot of the pedal, his feet hard and his body hard, and at the same time. A swing arm backwards, leaning forward leap, like tigers Py like soar and leap, then gently fall into the soft sand pit.


Love love experience in the process of running, running kankankeke, love running and sweating, shortness of breath and wanton love freedom, love to listen to the ears of the bird chirp and the thought of love love the cool breeze ear of a powerful and unconstrained style, love, and joy of the sprint smoothly.


I go running is not just a kind of physical exercise. In a sense, it is also a duty, a necessity for life, or a spiritual pursuit.


Run all the way, enjoy the freshness and tranquility all the way, and speed is not fast, adjust the breathing rhythmically. Five steps, one inhalation, five steps and one breath, sweat falls and drench the clothes.


I always like to run. I must be born to like it. Often a person walked and ran, and always deliberately Ptends to be rushed to the scene of the fire, and I go for nieyibahan at the roadside passerby, think what an accident. Oh, I just like running.


I want to run when I am in love, because running is able to evaporate the excess water in my body, which is not easy to weep.


If you want to cry, go running and turn the tears into a sweat.


Running makes me understand that life is like a marathon. If you hesitate, others will easily overtake you. If you rush to the end without any obstacles, you will finally succeed and enjoy the joy of success.


What I do is just running in the cozy and nostalgic silence of my own manufacture, which is a wonderful thing, no matter what others say.


It was cold, many students wear a scarf, hat, still feel cold running students, some half bow back, neck, or from time to time breathe warm hands, spit from the mouth of white clouds of gas.


The sun is new every day, and the new sun will give us new hope. Although we have retired, we also need to struggle like young people to fight and create. They also need to sing, dance, and run.


Reading, peeping into the soul of others. Travel, go to the strange environment to feel. Movie, go to the screen to feel the life of others. Meditation, to your heart in exploring uncharted. To run, to enjoy the world that others can't get.


When running, don't have too high expectations. If you grasp every detail of running, you will often get good results. Life is not very demanding, and every detail of growth will often exceed expectations.


If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be bodybuilding, run! If you want to be smart, run!


A person running on the playground is very quiet, I know, in this lonely River, I have learned to swim.


Like running, it can make you think a lot of problems in running.


Love running, love listening to the ears of the chirp insects; love the ear of the cool breeze; love the idea of a powerful and unconstrained style while running with sweat; love; love freely and shortness of breath; the feeling of joy and love sprint.


Running taught me is self-discipline, restraint, is not to give up, is Sike in the end.


The best running is that you are in a strange place and find a kind of long moving. Run alone, unfetter, without restraint. One day, wear running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far.


Running is always my worst project. Only eight hundred meters, I have to run for four minutes, I run so slow, and you walk so fast, no wonder that I can not catch you.


I love running, because I can not only exercise, but also relax the body and mind, and see the scenery. Since then, I fell in love with running, every day to eat dinner will go to the river, you also often exercise!


He ran more and more as well, the rest of the team is not far behind, trying to catch up, all panting, sweating.


The process of running, is a progressive process, running, I strongly feel the vigor of youth movement. So, on every day of the agenda, I have to make such an arrangement: in the morning, I go running.


They coordinate action strong, a speeding on the ice, if two swallows fly close to the ground, in the race each other, each other.


No one goes with you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to loneliness; no one will help you all your life, so you have to struggle all the time.


The athletes all spirits, at the foot of the wind whistling, like an airplane flying forward.


The two people almost hit the line at the same time, like a gust of wind, and the referee was stunned, and it took a while to wake up.


Running is not just running out, but getting yourself back.


Running, dieting, regular life, health and rest, a taste of interest, a little luxury, can not fall.


I just like his running seriously, like his attitude, I like to see him sprint, like to see him across the end of the moment.

