中国地震台网正式测定:7月14日23时36分在四川阿坝州汶川县(北纬30.97度,东经103.37度)发生4.8级地震,震源深度15千米。震中距都江堰市26公里、距崇州市48公里、距成都市76公里。20公里内的乡镇有三江镇、漩口镇、耿达镇、映秀镇和卧龙镇。地震发生后,都江堰震感强烈,成都、德阳、乐山等地震感明显。地震发生后,中国地震预警网在震后5秒发出地震预警信息,成都市在地震波到达前19秒收到预警。据@人民日报 消息,汶川14日晚发生的地震是5·12地震的余震。四川省地震局表示,1970年以来,此次4.8级地震震中50公里范围内发生4.0级及以上地震120次(含汶川余震)。其中,4.0-4.9级地震100次,5.0-5.9级地震15次,6.0-6.9级地震4次,8.0级地震1次。这些地震中,时间最近的为2017年2月26日四川阿坝州汶川县4.0级地震,震级最大、空间距离最近的均为2008年5月12日四川汶川县8.0级地震。14日晚发生的地震位于汶川余震区南段,属于汶川余震区的一次起伏活动。
四川绵阳发生过地震。2014年7月29日,绵阳当地发生四次地震。据中国地震台网正式测定,四川省绵阳市盐亭县(北纬31.4度,东经105.2度)于29日1时27分、03时30分和16时20分分别发生3.3级、3.1级和4.9级地震,震源深度分别为16千米、18千米和15千米。四川省绵阳市三台县(北纬31.4度,东经105.2度)于17时09分发生4.6级地震,震源深度15千米。扩展资料:四川省绵阳市安县(安县已撤县设安州区)发生4.3级地震。成都市、绵阳市、德阳市有震感。由德阳市地震局和成都高新减灾研究所(减灾所)联合建设的地震预警系统成功预警此次地震,给成都市提前15秒预警,给德阳市提前2秒预警。初步统计表明,德阳市、绵阳市、阿坝州、成都市等4个市(州)的49所学校提前0秒-8秒发出预警,四川公安等近20个政务微博发布了地震预警信息,还为国家减灾中心等提前预警了该地震。地震预警系统为距震中33千米的德阳市,预警时间2秒,预估烈度3.0度;距震中53千米的绵阳市,预警时间8秒,预估烈度2.4度;距震中76千米的成都市,预警时间15秒,预估烈度1.9度。地震后,成都高新减灾研究所还为地震部门和应急部门提供了烈度速报图等应急数据。参考资料来源:人民网-绵阳安州区发生4.3级地震 49所学校提前收到预警
汶川大地震死亡人数是多少 汶川大地震影响范围
2、5·12汶川地震,发生于北京时间2008年5月12日(星期一)14时28分04秒,根据中华人民共和国地震局的数据,此次地震的面波震级 里氏震级达8.0Ms、矩震级达8.3Mw(根据美国地质调查局的数据,矩震级为7.9Mw),地震烈度达到11度。
地震来临前并没有科学的预兆,这些所谓的预兆,都是因为自然中的一些因素产生的,不能说是因为地震的到来才出现这些情况,地震的发生并不是人们所能掌控的,只能在地震来临时更好地保护自己,多了解关于地震来临时的一些措施。当地震来临的时候,大家应该保持镇定,保持自己头脑的清醒,不能因为地震就乱了手脚,如果住在高层楼的话,就应该跑到坚硬的桌子或者床下面,也可以跑到地方狭小的房间里,比如说卫生间,储物室或者承重墙的下面,要用双手护住自己的头部,防止有东西从上面掉落砸到头部,注意用双手捂住自己的口鼻,防止吸入烟尘,千万不可以做出一些过激的行为,不能跳楼,也不可以乘坐电梯,这都是非常危险的行为,应该耐心的等待地震停止时,快速的撤离,跑到安全的地方。 当地震来临的时候,如果自己是在底层的话,应该尽快跑到远离建筑物的地方,撤离到空旷的地方,同时要耐心等待,听从相关人员的指挥,不要擅自行动,给自己带来危险。如果不幸被埋在废墟下面,应该保持自己头脑的清醒,用一些尖锐的东西敲击石头,发出声音,让搜救人员注意到自己。一定不能自暴自弃,相信一定会有出去的希望。在日常生活中,应该经常关注一些地震来临时的措施,让自己在面临地震时做出正确的反应。学校等场所人员密集,应该经常举行一些地震演练,好让在地震来临时,人们可以有序的撤离,减少人员的伤亡。地震的来临是很大的自然灾害,人们在灾害面前显得无比的渺小,人们无法去阻止地震的发生,但是可以尽量将地震的损失减小到最小。
5·12汶川地震(the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008),又称“汶川大地震”,发生于北京时间2008年5月12日14时28分4秒,震中位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县映秀镇(北纬31.0°、东经103.4°)。根据中国地震局修订后的数据,5·12汶川地震的面波震级为8.0级。根据日本气象厅的数据,5·12汶川地震的地震波确认共环绕了地球6圈。地震波及大半个中国以及亚洲多个国家和地区,中国国内北至内蒙古,东至上海,西至西藏,南至中国香港、中国台湾等地区均有震感,中国之外的泰国、越南、菲律宾和日本等国均有震感。地震原因5·12汶川地震的发生及龙门山向东南方向推覆的动力来源是印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞及其向北的推挤,这一板块间的相对运动导致了亚洲大陆内部大规模的构造变形,造成了青藏高原的地壳缩短、地貌隆升和向东挤出。由于青藏高原在向东北方向运动的过程中在四川盆地一带遭到华南活动地块的强烈阻挡,使得应力在龙门山推覆构造带上高度积累,以至于沿映秀-北川断裂突然发生错动,产生8.0级强烈地震。
1、 汶川地震发生在2008年5月12日。在2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县(北纬31.01度,东经103.42度)发生里氏8.0级大地震,地震烈度达到11度,地震波共环绕了地球6圈。
2、 地震共造成69227人死亡,374643人受伤,17923人失踪,是新中国成立以来破坏力最大的地震,也是唐山大地震后伤亡最严重的一次地震。经国务院批准,自2009年起,每年5月12日为全国“防灾减灾日”。
3、 地震原因是由于印度洋板块在以每年约15cm的速度向北移动,使得亚欧板块受到压力,并造成青藏高原快速隆升。又由于受重力影响,青藏高原东面沿龙门山在逐渐下沉,且面临着四川盆地的顽强阻挡,造成构造应力能量的长期积累。最终压力在龙门山北川至映秀地区突然释放。造成了逆冲、右旋、挤压型断层地震。四川特大地震发生在地壳脆韧性转换带,震源深度为10~20千米,与地表近,持续时间较长(约2分钟),因此破坏性巨大,影响强烈。
4、 5·12汶川地震是一次浅源地震,震源深度为10~20千米,破坏性巨大。地震可按照震源深度分为浅源地震,地震发生在60千米以内的称为浅源地震,浅源地震大多分布于岛弧外缘,深海沟内侧和大陆弧状山脉的沿海部分,大多发生在地表以下30千米深度以上的范围内;而中深源地震,最深的可以达到650千米左右,并且形成一个倾斜的地震带——称为本尼奥夫带。把浅源地震和深源地震在“血缘”上联系在一起的,是板块构造学说这一被称为“地球科学革命”的全球构造理论。
『壹』 关于地震知识的英语作文 Knowledge to escape the earthquake 地震造成的损失要比大火、洪水大得多,往往会使整座城市处于瘫痪,大地震可使整个城市顷刻之间化为废墟;因此,一旦发生了强烈地震,很难立刻得到救援。地震时的伤亡,主要是地震引起的火灾和房屋崩塌造成的。 Earthquake damage than fires, floods are much larger, often cause the whole city is paralyzed, earthquake can be the whole city into ruins instantly; therefore, when the earthquake occurred, it is difficult to get immediate relief. Earthquake casualties, is mainly caused by the earthquake and fire caused by the collapse of housing. 地震的预防 Earthquake prevention ·要避免地震的灾害,最有效的办法是依靠自己,以自己的力量做好预防灾害的准备。一般家庭常备的东西有粮食和饮水,以每人平均保存5天的份量为佳。另外再准备一些防灾用品,如防灾头巾、手电筒、急救药品、蜡烛、半导体收音机等以及一些逃生用具,如毛毯、便携式炊具、固体燃料等。 To avoid the disaster, the most effective way is to rely on their own, to prevent disasters prepared to own strength. General household things with food and water, with a per capita amount is better preserved for 5 days. In addition to prepare some disaster prevention activities, such as disaster prevention turban, flashlight, emergency medicine, candles, semiconctor radio and some escape appliance, such as blankets, portable cooking utensils, such as solid fuel. ·由于住宅不宽裕,人们总是最大限度地利用空间(如棚、架、搁板)。不过,由于地震的震动,搁板上放置的重物是很容易掉下来的。因此,平时放置东西要多加考虑。 And because the house was not good, people always maximize the use of space (such as tents, rack, shelf). However, since the earthquake, the weight placed on the shelf is very easy to fall down. Therefore, usually placed much more consideration. ·人们对黑暗很难适应,这不仅仅是看不见,还在心理上增加了压力。因地震而停电是不奇怪的,黑暗中就是在自己的房间也很难分辨东西南北,所以手电筒随时带在身边,就不会有太多的恐惧了。 · it is difficult to adapt to the dark, this is not only invisible psychological pressure, also increased. Because of the earthquake and the outage is not strange, dark in my room is also difficult to distinguish the four corners of the world, so the flashlight at any time with me, won't have too much fear. ·地震发生后,电视中断,电话不通,报纸停刊,信息来源完全被断绝。此时,只有小型的收音机可以获得源源不断的重要情报,从而可以更好地应付不断变化的情况。 And after the earthquake, television relay, telephone impassability, newspaper publication, information sources are pletely cut off. At this time, only a *** all radio can obtain important information Everfount, which can better cope with changing circumstances. ·当大地震平息后,首先感到困惑的是饮用水的问题。这种场合,水道断水是经常的事,城市中井水很少,所以在不知道什么时候发生地震的情况下,有必要每晚睡前准备一些应急的饮用水。 · when earthquake subsided, first puzzled by the problem of drinking water. This kind of situation, water water is often the case, city in the water is very few, so don't know what time the case of an earthquake, it is necessary to every night before bed emergency drinking water. 『贰』 关于地震的英语作文 May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can't describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours ring the earthquake! What an unbelievable thing it is !their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans!However,they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever.Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there ! But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !For example ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan ! With the help of the such a large love ,we will over e the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future ! 『叁』 一篇关于地震的英语作文带翻译 地震是一种自然危害,时时威胁着人们的生命,所以每个人都害怕地震,但你知道如何在地震中保护好你自己吗? 在学校。 第一:保持镇定。 第二:在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。 第三:不要回到教室去。 地震后应当有组织地撤离。 第四:千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外! Earthquake is a natural hazard, always threatening the life of people, so everyone is afraid of earthquakes, but do you know how to protect yourself in an earthquake? In the school. First, keep calm. Second: in the playground, or outdoor, can not move down, to protect the head with your hands, and pay attention to avoid tall buildings or danger. Third: don't go back to the classroom. Should be anized to evacuate after the earthquake. Fourth: don't jump off a building! Don't stand in the window! 『肆』 求一篇关于地震的英语作文 What is earthquake? An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates sei *** ic waves(地震波). Earthquakes are recorded with a sei *** ometer(地震检波器), also known as a sei *** ograph(地震仪). The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude(里氏量级), with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级, 麦氏震级). At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement (位移)of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter (震中)is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami(海啸). The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any sei *** ic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates sei *** ic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂, 裂开) of geological faults(断层), but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this. 『伍』 关于地震感人故事的英语短文 1 谭千秋,男, 2008年5月12日,四川绵竹发生强烈地震。在地震中,东汽中学一栋教学楼顷刻坍塌。当时,谭千秋校友正在这栋教学楼的教室里上课。危急时刻,他用双臂将四名高二一班的学生紧紧地掩护在身下。 13日晚上,当人们从废墟中将他扒出来时,他的双臂还张开着,趴在课桌上,手臂上伤痕累累,后脑袋被楼板砸得凹了下去,献出了年仅51岁的生命,而四名学生则在他的保护下成功获救。英文: Tan qiangiu, male, May 12, 2008, a powerful earthquake in sichuan mianzhu. During the earthquake, DongQi secondary schools a teaching building collapsed instantly. At the time, tan qiangiu alumni are the teaching building's classroom. A crisis, he used his arms will four senior middle class in the student tightly under cover. 13 at night, when people from the ruins will he grilled came out, his arms still open on the desk, lie prone, on the arm of scars, head by a floor after crush concave down gave years, at the age of 51, only life, while the four students are under the protection of his successful rescue. 2 救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被垮塌下来的房子压死的,透过那一堆废墟的的间隙可以看到她死亡的姿势,双膝跪着,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶着地支撑着身体,有些象古人行跪拜礼,只是身体被压的变形了,看上去有些诡异。救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。 经过一番努力,人们小心的把挡着她的废墟清理开,在她的身体下面躺着她的孩子,包在一个红色带黄花的小被子里,大概有3、4个月大,因为母亲身体庇护着,他毫发未伤,抱出来的时候,他还安静的睡着,他熟睡的脸让所有在场的人感到很温暖。 随行的医生过来解开被子准备做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识的看了下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”,看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一刻落泪了,手机传递着,每个看到短信的人都落泪了。 英文:Rescue workers found her, she had already died, are crushed down house collapsed, through that a heap of ruin the clearance can see the posture, her death on his knees, the whole body, hands raised creeping forward on supporting the body, some like the ancients prostrate themselves are crushed, just the body of deformation and looked somewhat eerie. Rescue workers from the ruins of the gap stuck in his confirmed her death, and in a few loud Shouting at ruins, with tapped on the brick tapped, inside no response. When the crowd went to the next building, the rescue captain suddently ran back, ran variable Shouting "e here". And he came to her body, arous dived into the woman's body, he touched groping under a loud shout "someone, a child, still alive". After some hard, people careful put blocking her ruins in her clear open, below the body lay her children, wrapped in a red belt chrysanthemum little quilt, about 3, 4 months old, because shielded by his mother's body, he totally unharmed, time, he still sleeping peacefully sleeping, his face let all the people present feel very warm. Acpanying doctor unlock going to do some tests, quilt find there is a mobile phone tucked in the quilt, doctor subconsciously looking at the phone screen, found that the screen is a has written message "dear baby, if you can live, must remember I love you", see be used to the doctor but bereavement in this moment tears, mobile phone convey, each see messages are tears 『陆』 地震的关于地震的英文小短文120字 Earthquake Wenchuan,a *** all city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed. The army es to help people save some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them. The force of the earthquake is very big.But people don't afraid it.People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan.We wish Wenchuan will bee more and more beautiful. 『柒』 关于地震的英文短文 地震是地球内部介质局部发生急剧的破裂,产生地震波,从而在一定范围内引起地面内振动的现象。地震容开始发生的地点称为震源,震源正上方的地面称为震中。破坏性地震的地面振动最烈处称为极震区,极震区往往也就是震中所在的地区。 The interior of the earth quake is medium rupture occurred locally proced sharply, sei *** ic inside certain limits, thus causes the ground vibration phenomenon. Earthquakes occur began as source, just above the ground source as the epicentre. The most devastating earthquake ground vibration fierce place called huozhou huozhou and often is the epicenter area. 『捌』 求有关地震的英文作文 A strongest earthquake, 8-magnitude, hit Wenchuan County, Southwest China's Sichuan Province at exactly 2 : 28 p. m. on May 12. Immediately our government sent the PLA soldiers to rescue the injured from under the collapsed buildings. Meanwhile, the whole nation took action sending tents, food, drinking water and other life necessities to the quake-hit areas. Medical teams arrived in time to treat the villagers and pupils who got hurt. All Chinese are in deep sorrow. As middle school students, we should also do our best to offer the help. I'll donate more money and I want to be a volunteer to help the students there with their lessons. I'm sure they will get over kinds of difficulties and rebuild their homes soon. 『玖』 关于地震英语小短文 On May 12th ,a powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale has attacked the village which was called Wenchuan in Sichuan Province. I surfed the Inter from morning till night to see what were happening in that place. I fell very distressed that when I saw the pictures .The whole villages were wiped out by the terrible earthquake. Hundreds of people lost their lives or were rendered homeless. But fortunately, millions of people home or broad have given freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake. I hope all of us can try our best to help the victims out of this terrible disaster as soon as possible. China is a great nation ! Chinese are all great people ! Great Chinese must defeat all the difficulties they meet at last ! I believe and bless you———— my great motherland! 『拾』 关于地震的英文作文 地震灾区的朋友们: 你们好! 在5月12日,这个不幸的日子里,你们失去了亲人,失去了朋版友,同为华夏儿女权的我心情非常悲痛! 朋友们!苦难已经过去了,在 *** 的帮助下,在全国人民的挂怀下,我相信你们的生活讲会变得更加的美好!让我们一起振作起来吧,因为心若在,梦就在,我们至少还有未来! 最后 祝你们 幸福快乐! 华夏儿女 XXX 08年X月X日
A. 求一篇关于地震的英语作文 What is earthquake? An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates sei *** ic waves(地震波). Earthquakes are recorded with a sei *** ometer(地震检波器), also known as a sei *** ograph(地震仪). The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude(里氏量级), with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级, 麦氏震级). At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement (位移)of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter (震中)is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami(海啸). The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any sei *** ic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates sei *** ic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂, 裂开) of geological faults(断层), but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this. B. 关于地震感人故事的英语短文 1 谭千秋,男, 2008年5月12日,四川绵竹发生强烈地震。在地震中,东汽中学一栋教学楼顷刻坍塌。当时,谭千秋校友正在这栋教学楼的教室里上课。危急时刻,他用双臂将四名高二一班的学生紧紧地掩护在身下。 13日晚上,当人们从废墟中将他扒出来时,他的双臂还张开着,趴在课桌上,手臂上伤痕累累,后脑袋被楼板砸得凹了下去,献出了年仅51岁的生命,而四名学生则在他的保护下成功获救。英文: Tan qiangiu, male, May 12, 2008, a powerful earthquake in sichuan mianzhu. During the earthquake, DongQi secondary schools a teaching building collapsed instantly. At the time, tan qiangiu alumni are the teaching building's classroom. A crisis, he used his arms will four senior middle class in the student tightly under cover. 13 at night, when people from the ruins will he grilled came out, his arms still open on the desk, lie prone, on the arm of scars, head by a floor after crush concave down gave years, at the age of 51, only life, while the four students are under the protection of his successful rescue. 2 救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被垮塌下来的房子压死的,透过那一堆废墟的的间隙可以看到她死亡的姿势,双膝跪着,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶着地支撑着身体,有些象古人行跪拜礼,只是身体被压的变形了,看上去有些诡异。救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。 经过一番努力,人们小心的把挡着她的废墟清理开,在她的身体下面躺着她的孩子,包在一个红色带黄花的小被子里,大概有3、4个月大,因为母亲身体庇护着,他毫发未伤,抱出来的时候,他还安静的睡着,他熟睡的脸让所有在场的人感到很温暖。 随行的医生过来解开被子准备做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识的看了下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”,看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一刻落泪了,手机传递着,每个看到短信的人都落泪了。 英文:Rescue workers found her, she had already died, are crushed down house collapsed, through that a heap of ruin the clearance can see the posture, her death on his knees, the whole body, hands raised creeping forward on supporting the body, some like the ancients prostrate themselves are crushed, just the body of deformation and looked somewhat eerie. Rescue workers from the ruins of the gap stuck in his confirmed her death, and in a few loud Shouting at ruins, with tapped on the brick tapped, inside no response. When the crowd went to the next building, the rescue captain suddently ran back, ran variable Shouting "e here". And he came to her body, arous dived into the woman's body, he touched groping under a loud shout "someone, a child, still alive". After some hard, people careful put blocking her ruins in her clear open, below the body lay her children, wrapped in a red belt chrysanthemum little quilt, about 3, 4 months old, because shielded by his mother's body, he totally unharmed, time, he still sleeping peacefully sleeping, his face let all the people present feel very warm. Acpanying doctor unlock going to do some tests, quilt find there is a mobile phone tucked in the quilt, doctor subconsciously looking at the phone screen, found that the screen is a has written message "dear baby, if you can live, must remember I love you", see be used to the doctor but bereavement in this moment tears, mobile phone convey, each see messages are tears C. 急。帮忙写一篇关于地震的英语作文。 What else can I do? The terrible disaster caused more then 40075 inhabitants deaths and countless injured up to18:00 May 20th. The 8-day search-and- rescue efforts have put more strain on people's nerves. Many Chinese spent the agonizing week following news on TV, on , or glancing over newspapers and on public transport ring rush hours. Even strangers exchanged information on the updated death toll and the latest oute of rescue missions; cheered for every survival narrowly escaping hell; mourned each new death; and prayed for the strong lives still trapped in the debris. But hope is dimming as time is running out. So many people lost their lives in a flash, so many happy family bee destitute and homeless far and near, so many buildings collapsed without any hesitate, the earth cracked, and even worse, it rained while others try to rescue them…I can not image how sad a child will be that she or he turn out to be orphan after this earthquake.Or the old lost all her offspring in this earthquake.People begin to wonder what they can do to help those who are still suffering. "What else can I do?" has been the question on everyone's mind since the deadly quake hit Sichuan Province. After all, only a few warm-hearted volunteers could access "the front lines of bating disaster" considering the plicated conditions and fear of potential calamity. People can be seen everywhere lining up to make donations. In many cities, blood banks have been reported up to saturation; and volunteers wishing to donate blood have to register and wait for to be notified. More and more people are eager to be involved in the rescue and relief work that they are being unsatisfied with the disaster-relief efforts made outside of the quake-ravaged areas; and volunteers are descending upon the worst-hit areas in growing numbers. It is pity that there are a lot of disasters in this Olympic year. This year, we, Chinese people, really have suffered a lot. however, we have not been defeated, instead, we've bee more united and show great resolution to overe all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous. When people shout slogans "Cheer up, China!", "Cheer up, Wenchuan!" after a three-minute silent tribute to quake victims, at the Tian'anmen Square in central Beijing,I know that the nigare of the 8 days gone by will fade from the collective Chinese mind with time;and I could see the Chinese longings to rebuild a better future with dauntless perseverance and national esprit de corps ! D. 一篇关于地震的英语作文带翻译 地震是一种自然危害,时时威胁着人们的生命,所以每个人都害怕地震,但你知道如何在地震中保护好你自己吗? 在学校。 第一:保持镇定。 第二:在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。 第三:不要回到教室去。 地震后应当有组织地撤离。 第四:千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外! Earthquake is a natural hazard, always threatening the life of people, so everyone is afraid of earthquakes, but do you know how to protect yourself in an earthquake? In the school. First, keep calm. Second: in the playground, or outdoor, can not move down, to protect the head with your hands, and pay attention to avoid tall buildings or danger. Third: don't go back to the classroom. Should be anized to evacuate after the earthquake. Fourth: don't jump off a building! Don't stand in the window! E. 地震的关于地震的英文小短文120字 Earthquake Wenchuan,a *** all city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed. The army es to help people save some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them. The force of the earthquake is very big.But people don't afraid it.People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan.We wish Wenchuan will bee more and more beautiful. F. 地震英文作文怎么写 60~80词 Earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earth' s surface. During all earth quake, the vibrations make the earth's surface tremble, and even crack open. Houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed. Can we do something to protect ourselves against earthquakes? Can we take precau tionary measures? We can. Scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. They have made maps showing the "earthquake belts". In areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. In these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves. in the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly when and where earthquakes will take place. Then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. Thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened G. 关于地震的英语作文怎么写 Earthquake is a natural hazard, always threatening the life of people, so everyone is afraid of earthquakes, but do you know how to protect yourself in an earthquake? In the school. First, keep calm. Second: in the playground, or outdoor, can not move down, to protect the head with your hands, and pay attention to avoid tall buildings or danger. Third: don't go back to the classroom. Should be anized to evacuate after the earthquake. Fourth: don't jump off a building! Don't stand in the window! 地震是一种自然危害,时时威胁着人们的生命,所以每个人都害怕地震,但你知道如何在地震中保护好你自己吗?在学校。 第一:保持镇定。 第二:在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。 第三:不要回到教室去。 地震后应当有组织地撤离。 第四:千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外! H. 求有关地震的英文作文 A strongest earthquake, 8-magnitude, hit Wenchuan County, Southwest China's Sichuan Province at exactly 2 : 28 p. m. on May 12. Immediately our government sent the PLA soldiers to rescue the injured from under the collapsed buildings. Meanwhile, the whole nation took action sending tents, food, drinking water and other life necessities to the quake-hit areas. Medical teams arrived in time to treat the villagers and pupils who got hurt. All Chinese are in deep sorrow. As middle school students, we should also do our best to offer the help. I'll donate more money and I want to be a volunteer to help the students there with their lessons. I'm sure they will get over kinds of difficulties and rebuild their homes soon. I. 关于地震的英语作文 May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can't describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours ring the earthquake! What an unbelievable thing it is !their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans!However,they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever.Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there ! But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !For example ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan ! With the help of the such a large love ,we will over e the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future !