Big john牛仔裤品牌质量怎么样,价格是多少?
Big John在70年代风靡整个日本,其后它将事业规模扩展到全亚洲,成为亚洲人牛仔裤的启蒙。历史的悠久造就了Big John不朽的名声,而一直被业界誉为“秘法”的特殊洗水和染印技术,令Big John的牛仔裤呈现出与众不同的漂亮质感。从乐风派的价格显示,一条牛仔裤定价在1500元左右...
[create_time]2020-12-15 11:11:08[/create_time]2013-08-04 14:12:27[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]804[view_count]
咳咳~~不推荐big john ,就白去了仙本那。下午接近5,6点到的仙本那,一到就赶紧找旅行社,当时开门的就2,3 家,先是去了第一家,貌似是uncle wang 之类的,不是很满意后就来到了big john。接待我们的是可爱的大叔导游,然后big john就来了,他们人都非常的nice,最可爱的就是big john的女儿,胖胖的~最后商量好价钱后第二天就是大叔带着我们去了马布岛,他们的大本营,然后去潜水,在大本营上认识了一些人,还有在潜水艇上的当地人,人们都非常nice,再加上那么美丽的风光,还有第一次的潜水,总之是一次非常perfect的旅行,后悔没多待几天,走的时候还对big john说下一次有男朋友了带着他一起来~!~!
[create_time]2014-04-04 08:03:40[/create_time]2014-04-05 23:57:51[finished_time]1[reply_count]4[alue_good]不懈且炽烈的宠物6255[uname][avatar]TA获得超过120个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1079[view_count]
[create_time]2022-11-13 07:43:04[/create_time]2012-03-19 16:44:52[finished_time]13[reply_count]0[alue_good]乾莱信息咨询[uname][avatar]百度认证:内蒙古乾莱科技官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]62296[view_count]
[create_time]2022-11-13 07:42:40[/create_time]2011-12-02 13:54:13[finished_time]5[reply_count]0[alue_good]乾莱信息咨询[uname][avatar]百度认证:内蒙古乾莱科技官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]10428[view_count]
完型填空one fine day,a bus driver went to the bus ga
One fine day,a bus driver went to the bus garage,started his bus,and drove off along the route.
No __13__ for the first few stops—a few people got on,a few got off,and things went generally well.At the next stop,however,a big fellow got on.Six foot eight,built like a wrestler.He glared at the __14__ and said,“Big John doesn’t pay!” and sat down at the back.Did I __15__ that the driver was five foot three,thin,and basically gentle?Well,he was.Naturally,he didn’t argue with Big John,but he wasn’t happy about it.
The next day the __16__ thing happened—Big John got on again,made a show of refusing to pay,and sat down.And the days that followed.
This __17__ the bus driver,who started losing sleep only because of Big John.Finally he could no longer stand it.He signed up for body building courses.By the end of the summer,he had become quite strong.He felt really __18__ about himself.
The next Monday when Big John got on the bus and said,“Big John doesn’t pay!” the driver stood up,glared back at the passenger,and screamed,“Why not?” With a surprised __19__ on his face,Big John replied,“Big John has a bus pass(乘车证).”
Be sure there is a problem before working hard to __20__ one.
13.A.passengers B.problems
C.pleasures D.signs
C.driver D.window
15.A.remember B.consider
C.answer D.mention
16.A.same B.different
C.special D.common
17.A.excited B.surprised
C.annoyed D.shocked
18.A.bad B.crazy
C.good D.serious
19.A.look B.voice
20.A.create B.achieve D.solve
13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D 谢谢w望采纳
[create_time]2015-06-05 21:38:53[/create_time]2015-05-26 19:18:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]欧阳忆冰[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1954[view_count]
Carmine Lorenzo : You are in my little pond now, and I am the big fish that runs it
John McClane : That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me. You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It dosen't show up on you airport X-ray machines, and it cost more than you make here in a month.
Carmine Lorenzo : You'd be a surprised what I make in a month.
John McClane : If it was more than a dollar ninety-eight I'd be surprised.
Al Powell : What's this about?
John McClane : Oh, just a feeling I have.
Al Powell : Ouch. When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.
John McClane : Hey, Carmine, let me ask you something. What sets off the metal detectors first? The lead in your ass or the shit in your brain?
[McClane is forced to crawl through yet another ventilation system]
John McClane : Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. A little eggnog... a fuckin' Christmas tree... a little turkey. But, no. I gotta crawl around in this motherfuckin' tin can.
[McClane is showing his nervousness while riding in a helicopter]
Chopper Pilot: What's the matter, cowboy? Ride too rough?
John McClane : I don't like to fly.
Samantha Coleman : Then what are you doing here?
Al Powell : You ain't pissing in somebody's pool, are you?
John McClane : Yeah, and I'm fresh out of chlorine.
John McClane : Oh man, I can't fucking believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How can the same thing happen to the same guy twice?
Grant : You are the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time.
John McClane : Story of my life.
John McClane : I guess I was wrong about you. You're not such an asshole after all.
Grant : Oh, you were right about me. I'm just your kind of asshole.
Grant : Too bad, McClane. I kind of liked you.
John McClane : I got enough friends.
Holly McClane : They told me there were terrorists at the airport.
John McClane : Yeah, I heard that too.
Marvin : So you like that one huh? How 'bout you give me twenty bucks for it?
John McClane : How 'bout I let you live?
Marvin : Man sure knows how to bargain.
Carmine Lorenzo : Hey McClane! You get this parking ticket in front of my airport?
John McClane : Yeah.
[Lorenzo tears ticket up]
Carmine Lorenzo : Ah, what the hell; it's Christmas!
[John can't get out from under his parachute]
John McClane : Where's the fuckin door?
John McClane : What do you say, Marv?
Marvin : I'll be damned if I'm gonna clean up this mess.
[John McClane is taking a dead guy's fingerprints]
Morgue Worker : Hey. You're supposed to do that at the morgue.
John McClane : Not anymore. Got a new SOP for DOA's from the FAA.
John McClane : Yippie-kay-yay, motherfucker.
[to Al Powell]
John McClane : Will you take the fucking Twinkie out of your mouth?
John McClane : Holly, here's your fucking landing light. WHOOO.
Rent-A-Car Girl : I'm closing off in an hour. Do you want to get a drink?
John McClane : [shows his wedding ring] Just the facts, ma'am.
Samantha Coleman : Colonel Stuart, can I have a few words with you?
Col. Stuart : You can have two: "fuck" and "you".
[about Richard Thornburg]
Stewardess : What did you do to him?
Holly McClane : I knocked two of his teeth out.
Stewardess : Would you like some champagne?
John McClane : As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.
Samantha Coleman : You give me this story and I'll have your baby.
John McClane : Not the kind of ride I'm looking for.
Colonel Stuart: Happy landings, asshole.
[after the terrorist attack]
Holly McClane : Why do this keep happening to us?
Holly McClane : Listen Dick - if that is your name - Dick. If you're gonna continue to get this close would you consider switching aftershaves?
Richard Thornburg : Anything else?
Holly McClane : Stronger mouthwash would be nice.
Carmine Lorenzo : It's time to kick head.
Marvin : Just like Iwo Jima!
John McClane : Well we are just up to our necks in terrorists again, John.
Sergeant : Hey, asshole! What do I look like to you?
O'Reilly : A sitting duck.
[shoots him]
Col. Stuart : I thought you were a little out of your league on Nightline.
John McClane : Blow me, Colonel.
Col. Stuart : So much for the element of chance.
[after McClane is locked inside the airplane cockpit]
Col. Stuart : McClane? I assume it's you, McClane. You're quite the little soldier. You can consider this a military funeral.
[his troops open fire on the cockpit]
[Esperanza has landed the plane and steps outside]
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : Freedom!
John McClane : [McClane smacks him in the face with a gun] Not yet!
[he draws his gun on Esperanza]
John McClane : You're not supposed to leave your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent flier mileage for you.
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : Who are you?
John McClane : A cop.
Gen. Ramon Esperanza : A cop?
John McClane : Yeah. One of the good guys. See, you're one of the bad guys, and now that I've got your sorry ass, I'm gonna trade you for my wife.
John McClane : If Esperanza gets to a country that has no extradition charges, we're fucked.
[create_time]2016-12-01 17:09:13[/create_time]2007-08-07 21:00:04[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]fubo_163[uname][avatar]TA获得超过510个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2771[view_count]
学俚语记单词 失去恩宠,一闪而过的MR.BIG
英国人也害怕失宠:失宠于天父(fall from grace)。按grace是「神的恩宠」。据基督教说,人类始祖亚当、夏娃吃了伊甸园的禁果,失去了神的恩宠,给赶出了伊甸园,这就是fall from grace了。现在,基督教谈到人的堕落,依然会说the fall of man或man’s fall from grace。
不过,在日常用语里,fall from grace一般是指个人堕落,或者失去上司信任、恩宠等,例如:(1)She fell from grace when she accepted the bribery(她接受了贿赂,走上歧途了)。(2)His demotion marked his fall from grace(他给降级,显然是失宠了)。
2. 头号人物
读英文报纸,有时会看到the big cheese这个词,说的是大人物或最重要的人物。Cheese一般是指干酪,为什么会用来指人呢?
原来这里说的cheese,根本不是解作「干酪」的那个cheese,而是印度、巴基斯坦通用的乌尔都词(Urdu)里chiz一字的变体。Chiz等于英文字thing(东西)的意思。英国人曾经统治印度,语言受到印度影响是很自然的事。至于big字,常常都是用来指大人物的,例如big gun、big shot、big wheel、big wig等,都是指大人物。有时,人们还会用Mr. Big一词来说大人物或者犯罪集团首脑,例如:Who is Mr. Big around here?(这一带头号人物是谁?)
留意big cheese、big gun、Mr. Big等都是俚语,不宜用在严肃文字里,例如Tom is the big cheese in the gang(汤姆是那帮人的头头)。
英国人也有一句类似「石火无留光」的成语:flash in the pan。按flash是一瞬间闪现的火光,pan这里不是指锅,而是指旧式火枪里的小火药池。旧式火枪开火很麻烦:首先要把火药倒进那火药池里,然后敲打火石引发火苗点着火药,凭火药的推力把子弹打出枪管。有时火药是点着了,可火光在火药池里一闪即灭,子弹却没有打出去,这叫做flash in the pan。现在,这种旧式火枪已经没有人用了,但是,人们还会用flash in the pan来说显耀一时却终归失败、虎头蛇尾或昙花一现,例如:His success as an actor proved to be a flash in the pan(他在戏台上光芒四射的日子转眼就过去了)。
4.瓷器店里的公牛 考试大论坛
常常闯祸的粗人,英文叫做a bull in a china shop(瓷器店里的公牛)。这成语的意象十分明白,只是它的来历今天很多人大概都不知道了。
一八一六年,英国派遣阿默斯特勋爵(Lord Amherst)到中国商谈贸易事宜,由于他不遵守中国朝廷礼节,终于无功而回。英国一份报纸于是发表漫画,把这位勋爵画成一只闯进了瓷器店的公牛,讽剌他粗鲁败事。英国人向来有「约翰牛」(John Bull)绰号;而china一字,既可以指瓷器,也可以指中国,所以,那幅漫画可以说是一语双关的。
A bull in a china shop这成语除了说人,当然还可以用来说政府、工商业机构等等,例如:Following its failure to reach an agreement with Canada, his government is accused of having acted like a bull in a china shop(由于他领导的政府跟加拿大没法取得协议,受到了卤莽败事的指责)。
胜过所有对手或赢得所有奖品、荣誉,英文叫做sweep the board或sweep the table。按sweep这里解作「扫尽」,board指做桌面的木板。sweep the board和取胜究竟有什么关系呢? 采集者退散
原来这成语里的「桌」是轮盘赌桌。玩轮盘赌的时候,假如小球停在零字上面,那么,押在盘上的赌注就全部归庄家所有了。庄家会用木尺把桌面上的金钱、筹码全部「扫」进*口袋里。所以,sweep the board/table可以指在赌博里赢得所有金钱,也可以引伸为「大获全胜」的意思,例如:In his first year at the university, Tom swept the board and won all the scholarships offered by his department(汤姆大学一年级的时候,赢得了他那个学系设的所有奖学金)。
[create_time]2023-01-13 21:11:14[/create_time]2023-01-24 02:02:05[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]Ava学姐的学习指南[uname][avatar]TA获得超过220个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]0[view_count]
森马、杰克琼斯、李维斯、ONLY、LEE、海澜之家、卡尔文克雷恩、卡宾、罗蒙、黑牡丹。1、森马牛仔裤属于国际品牌,专门经营研发牛仔裤,其产品质量非常好。森马牛仔裤性价比较高,成分是涤棉比较多,全棉少。款式比较大众,价格比较实惠。2、杰克琼斯的牛仔裤质量不错,给人一种很放心的感觉。用的面料是意大利顶级牛仔生产商Candiani的有机棉丹宁面料。百分之百回收的纱线以及环保天然染料,贯彻3R的生产原则。3、李维斯(Levi s)是著名的牛仔裤品牌,作为牛仔裤的“鼻祖”,象征着美国野性、刚毅、叛逆与美国开拓者的精神。李维斯牛仔裤有十几种裤型,其中501是最经典的裤型,502是经典直筒裤,503是高腰直筒裤等。4、only的牛仔裤做工很精致,并且很显腿型,价格也适中,仿版是比不了的,买一条能穿很久,性价比很高。5、lee是美国著名的牛仔品牌,也是世界三大牛仔裤品牌之一,跟levis的档次差不多,都是属于中端档次产品。产品主要包括各类型牛仔裤,以版型好和高舒适度出名,价格相差幅度比较大。6、海澜之家是平价优质国民男装品牌,是一家以男装销售为主的大型企业集团。7、卡尔文克雷恩是世界奢侈品牌,世界知名香水品牌,简称CK,成立于1968年,除了香水之外,从服装也开始入手。8、卡宾是香港知名个性休闲男装品牌,由中国知名服装设计师卡宾创立于1997年。9、罗蒙是定制知名品牌,创立于1978年,是首批国家部优产品、首届中国服装十大品牌。10、黑牡丹是中国驰名商标,也是高新技术企业,是国内最早生产牛仔布的企业之一。
[create_time]2023-04-21 00:26:40[/create_time]2023-05-03 12:59:13[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]生活达人鸭[uname][avatar]超过102用户关注了TA[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2084[view_count]牛仔裤哪个品牌好?
牛仔裤较好的品牌有如下所示:1、Levi's。高性价牛仔裤,无论如何少不了Levi's,毕竟是牛仔裤的开山鼻祖。1850年,小卖铺店主Levi Strauss大哥就和裁缝Jacob Davis,强强联合,将卖不出去地用来做帐篷的帆布做出第一条牛仔裤。蓝斜纹棉布、加了铆钉的后袋、后腰的双马图案的皮章LOGO、编码排序...无数牛仔裤经典特征、版型花样无不出自Levi's。Levi's501是条中腰直筒牛仔裤,略宽松的腿部剪裁让所有人都能买得起,穿得上。前排扣设计是在拉链没诞生时代,阡陌出身男人们保持体面的方式,今天再看却多一分野性与性感。细节上还有6颗铆钉和五个口袋,都是其独有标志。2、Acne Studios。Acne Studio是一家于1996年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的公司,Acne名称是「Ambition for Create Novel Expression」的缩写。和Levi's做牛仔裤发家不同,这家做牛仔裤源自一个歪打正着的巧合。价格定位中产,主要以简单、实用、耐穿为指导方针,整体非常性冷淡,审美上代表高级。它们的牛仔裤在瑞典设计,放在意大利制造,裁剪简洁。颜色选择很多,也有不常见的浅色,修身且弹性,裤腰稍高显腿长,大腿宽松,小腿窄,面料有一定厚度,四季都能穿,硬挺同时弹性好,能够修饰腿型。3、Pure Blue Japan。Pure Blue Japan是一个创立于1997年来自日本冈山的品牌,资历浅,但是分量不低。现在绝大多数牛仔裤的靛蓝,是18世纪末德国化工企业巴斯夫(BASF)发明的人工合成靛蓝染出来的。而Pure Blue Japan最大的特点就是该厂编牛仔裤的蓝线,是将棉线泡在天然靛蓝染料的大缸里染出来,从头到脚,代表天然。Pure Blue Japan牛仔布是用老式的、低张力的梭织机织成的,牛仔布纹理不规则,上面有着有多毛和粗糙的表面,松散和不均匀,看着像竹子,有种一节一节的感觉。4、Big John 。1967年,丸尾服饰首度推出直筒、防缩水的Big John M1002牛仔裤。裤子上附的纸标保证它是“正统西部牛仔裤”,还印有一个男人被竞技牛甩下来的图案。在大多数日本年轻人眼中,Big John牛仔裤就像是从美国西部边境走私进来的,至少在形象上是这样。市场立即出现强劲的销售表现。西武因为引进这个产品线,成为日本首家销售牛仔裤的百货公司。先前姿态颇高的伊势丹在几个月后致电丸尾服饰,羞怯地要求贩售预先水洗过的Big John系列商品。5、Tommy Jeans。Tommy Jeans 尤其善于用富有设计感的花卉图案、大logo等多种元素,诠释最富时代气息的流行与时尚。所以,年轻人们喜欢穿着Tommy Jeans 漫步在街头,招摇的色彩再加上大胆的设计,让穿着者到哪里都不乏追随的目光。难能可贵的是,Tommy Jeans 在与时俱进之时,并没有摈弃对纯粹的牛仔文化的坚守。无论为作品加入什么新鲜元素,但它的底蕴犹在,这也成为将竞品远远甩在身后的有力武器。比如,Tommy Jeans的牛仔裤,依然保留着上世纪90年代牛仔的标志性外观,那个经典Tommy Hilfiger的品牌标识和粗狂的风格,很好地融入男装与女装系列产品,给人很高的辨识度。参考资料来源:凤凰网-谁能引领牛仔裤品牌新潮流?参考资料来源:凤凰网-哪些牛仔裤不贵又显帅?参考资料来源:凤凰网-日本街头时尚:牛仔裤革命
[create_time]2020-10-17 16:59:10[/create_time]2020-10-31 16:59:10[finished_time]7[reply_count]3[alue_good]0123456q[uname][avatar]关注我不会让你失望[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3961[view_count]想问苏梅岛有什么好吃的
1、马散麻咖喱鸡推荐指数:★★★★★好吃指数:★★★★★马散麻咖喱鸡是苏梅岛家常咖喱的代表,有咖喱香料与椰奶、花生、月桂叶、肉桂、雨露、棕榈糖、罗望子等香料及肉类相互调和而成,咖喱汁味道浓郁且带甜味。推荐:Oriental Gallery,39/1, Chaweng Beach Road, Amphor Ko Samui, SuratThani, 84320参考价格:50-100元左右。 2、泰式炒河粉推荐指数:★★★★★好吃指数:★★★★★泰式炒河粉是苏梅岛最具知名度的泰式面点,从大型餐厅到路边摊都能找到它的身影。炒稞条以意面为主,搭配鱼露、酱油、海鲜及花生粉伴炒而成,在撒上新鲜豆芽、青菜等,口味带些酸甜。推荐:Big John Seafood Restaurant,95/7 Moo 2 (inside) The Lipa Lovely Resort, Lipa Noi Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, Surat Thani参考价格:餐厅里的价格要50-100泰株,而路边摊只要25-35泰株。 3、炸椰子丸推荐指数:★★★★★好吃指数:★★★★★炸椰子丸和枣椰丸是苏梅岛上特色的爽口饭后点心,用香蕉叶包起来,放在托盘上,增添甜食的美感,令人垂涎三尺。其它用糯米、椰汁、豆类、番瓜、地瓜等材料所烘制的不同糕点,也同样可口,非常受欢迎。推荐:Oriental Gallery,39/1, Chaweng Beach Road, Amphor Ko Samui, SuratThani, 84320参考价格:10-20元左右。 4、冬阴功汤推荐指数:★★★★★好吃指数:★★★★★泰式冬阴功汤无论在泰国的任何一个地方都是特色美食,在苏梅岛也不例外,喜欢泰国菜的不妨可以多处尝试下,总会有一种喝了还想喝的感觉,酸酸辣辣的口感配上泰式香料,再加上用料十足的海鲜,低廉的价格,非常值得一试。推荐:Jubilee,404/1 moo.1, Samui Ring Rd., Baan Hua Thanon, Tumbon Maret Koh Samui参考价格:30-50元左右。更多关于苏梅岛有什么好吃的,进入:查看更多内容
[create_time]2022-09-19 12:45:14[/create_time]2022-10-04 12:45:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]ABC生活攻略[uname][avatar]百度认证:福州市向海教育咨询有限公司官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1[view_count]
1、冬阴功汤苏梅岛上的美食与泰国其他地方相差无异,那么泰国名菜冬阴功汤是一定要品尝的。这道汤的名字中,"冬阴"是酸辣的意思,"功"是虾的意思,翻译过来其实就是酸辣虾汤。汤里辣味的来源是泰国朝天椒,其他调料还有咖喱酱、柠檬草、虾酱、鱼酱等,由温和到极辣的都有。 2、海鲜到苏梅岛旅游除了一定要尝试的除了各种正宗泰国菜以外,还有海鲜不容错过。龙虾、生蚝、鱿鱼等新鲜打捞的海鲜。游客可以在店中挑选好后直接交给店里烹饪,方式丰富多样,可以令游客尝到不一样的海鲜盛宴。在苏梅岛,海鲜无论以泰式、中式还是西式的烹饪总能保持海鲜原汁原味的鲜美。 3、泰式烧烤重庆中国青年旅行社小编觉得沙滩、烧烤、啤酒简直就是绝配。用秘制酱料腌渍过的肉串经过炭火烤制,香浓肉汁慢慢渗出,同时也散发出诱人的香气。烤肉的品种多样,有肋排、鸡肉、猪肉、肉丸、动物内脏、海鲜等等,可以蘸上特制泰式辣椒酱,口味非常独特。夜晚坐在海边的烧烤摊上,吹着海风,喝着啤酒,吃着特色的烧烤,好生惬意。 4、水果冰沙水果沙冰是每个到泰国的游客大赞的全民饮品,采用新鲜水果、冰块、糖浆,在搅拌机中打碎混合的沙冰。尤其是在泰国的海滩上,晒着太阳喝着清凉爽口的水果沙冰,绝对能感受到浓浓的夏日气氛。更多关于苏梅岛有什么好吃的美食,进入:查看更多内容
[create_time]2022-09-16 18:23:46[/create_time]2022-10-01 18:23:46[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]ABC生活攻略[uname][avatar]百度认证:福州市向海教育咨询有限公司官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3[view_count]