Adiemus的《Kayama》 歌词
歌曲名:Kayama歌手:Adiemus专辑:Songs Of SanctuaryAlbum:KayaTitle:KayaWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is fallingGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingI'm so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie I'Cause I have some kaya nowI feel so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya now, LordFor the rain is fallingWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is falling(Kaya now, kaya, kaya) Huh
[create_time]2013-08-21 20:39:56[/create_time]2013-08-21 20:45:21[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]猴廊辆8[uname][avatar]TA获得超过123个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]174[view_count]
“adiemus”是一个歌曲专辑的名字,发行于1998年02月24日,出版者为Red Distribution,属于轻音乐流派,古典和民族乐风的而成就的创世纪系列音乐作品ADIEMUS。歌曲名字Adiemus不是英语不是拉丁语,也没有任何意义,歌词也是一样。作曲家只是想将人声用作一种乐器,所以用自己想用的音节编写了歌词。作曲家尝试将古典音乐的作曲技巧运用到现代音乐中,并融合了非洲音乐和凯尔特音乐的曲调。扩展资料:Adiemus主要创作人员简介:合声Caryl Ebenezer;手风琴伴奏David Farmer;Davy Spillane ,Adiemus IV时首次加入,爱尔兰风笛和口哨,参加过“大河之舞”的演出。Mary Carewe,和声和伴唱;Miriam Stockley,美女主唱。南非裔,为许多影视和广告做背景和声。首张专辑"Arcadia", 1999发行专辑Miriam;Pamela Thorby长号。参考资料来源:百度百科-adiemus
[create_time]2022-09-29 15:16:26[/create_time]2022-10-14 15:16:26[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]乾莱信息咨询[uname][avatar]百度认证:内蒙古乾莱科技官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]10[view_count]Adiemus的《Rain Dance》 歌词
歌曲名:Rain Dance歌手:Adiemus专辑:Adiemus III - Dances Of TimeRain-Dance作词︰hassy 作曲︰浅田直 编曲︰corin.歌:大石秀一郎(近藤孝行)Keep your mind clearYou can hear the whisper of windTrees in the street are gently humming a peaceful love songNow! Open the eyes of your heartYou will see all that you missed out onThe story just started now under the velvet cloudYou remember how to get to the station called wonderlandIf you awake the sleeping senseanyone can get there so easilyPeople coming and going, running across the streetNever stopping to take the time to smell the rosesWon\'t you come out to playEven though the sun\'s taken a breakWelcome to the world of the rainsingin\' in the rainFill up your heart with pieces of joyLet\'s get togetherknockin\' a cheerful rhythm on the door that leads to the dreamWelcome to the world of the raindancin\' in the rainWhat a beautiful dayfeels like flyingit\'s not bad on such a dayTake away all your pain with raindancin\' in the rainKeep your mind clearYou can hear the whisper of the windTrees in the street are gently humming a peaceful love songNow! Open the eyes of your heartYou will see all that you missed out onThe story just strarted now under the velvet cloudWelcome to the world of the rainsingin\' in the rainFill up your heart with pieces of joyLet\'s get togetherknockin\' a cheerful rhythm on the door that leads to the dreamWelcome to the world of the raindancin\' in the rainWhat a beautiful dayfeels like flyingit\'s not bad on such a dayTake away all your pain with raindancin\' in the raindancin\' in the rainWelcome to the world of the rainsingin\' in the rainFill up your heart with pieces of joyLet\'s get togetherknockin\' a cheerful rhythm on the door that leads to the dreamWelcome to the world of the raindancin\' in the rainWhat a beautiful dayfeels like flyingit\'s not bad on such a dayTake away all your pain with raindancin\' in the rain
[create_time]2013-08-20 13:49:33[/create_time]2013-08-20 13:54:34[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]天使赫赫7[uname][avatar]超过65用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]115[view_count]
动词的话,用pass ,严格说,它并不是“通过”的意思,而只表示,“过”这个动作
介词的话,用across ,through,from都放在句子中谓语的后面或要修饰的名词前面,前者
强调跨越式的”通过“,如过桥”go across the bridge“
后者强调从头到尾的完成,如”过隧道“ --------walk through the tunnel”
通过我的努力-----through my efforts,这种情况,一般不用across
通过电脑,我学会了....--------From the computer
[create_time]2007-04-05 04:38:41[/create_time]2007-04-05 19:21:09[finished_time]4[reply_count]5[alue_good]百度网友7c916f6[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5708[view_count]
小区:residential quater
例如:中国广东深圳市华中路1023号5栋401房,您就要从房开始写起,Room 401, Buliding 5, No.1023,HuaZhong Road, ShenZhen, GuangDong Prov., China(逗号后面有空格)。
注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。
重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是靠邮政编码区域投递的。
***室/房 Room***,
***村 ***Village,
***号 No.***,
***号宿舍 ***Dormitory,
***楼/层 ***F,
***住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quater,
甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D,
***巷/弄 Lane ***,
***单元 Unit***,
***号楼/栋 ***Building,
***公司 ***Com./*** Crop/***CO.LTD,
***厂 ***Factory,
***酒楼/酒店 ***Hotel,
***路 ***Road,
***花园 ***Garden,
***街 ***Stree,
***信箱 Mailbox***,
***区 ***District,
***县 ***County,
***镇 ***Town,
***市 ***City,
***省 ***Prov.,
***院 ***Yard,
***大学 ***College
另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音也行,写*** East(South、West、North)Road也行。
[create_time]2005-08-26 11:13:03[/create_time]2005-08-26 16:06:44[finished_time]2[reply_count]49[alue_good]真·踏网无痕671ef[uname][avatar]TA获得超过2.1万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]37005[view_count]
外文名:John Jenkins
国 籍:美国
身 高:1.93米/6英尺4英寸
体 重:98公斤/215磅
[create_time]2015-04-30 07:03:46[/create_time]2015-05-02 19:02:18[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]cnrug[uname][avatar]TA获得超过23.5万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]56[view_count]
睽违一年半,王力宏最新专辑《十八般武艺》将在8月13日全亚洲隆重发行!当日其自导自演的新电影《恋爱通告》也将在台湾地区发行,2010年华语乐坛天王王力宏的大件事,就是自编自导自演恋爱喜剧电影《《恋爱通告》(评论)》;一年多来王力宏在电影与专辑制作之间交战,以过人的毅力与体力,投入所有制作细节的王力宏,终于在8月13日向所有喜爱他的粉丝,交出电影成绩单,以及发行全新专辑《十八般武艺》。 而8月13日正好是星期五,也是俗称“黑色十三号星期五”;王力宏不畏惧黑色星期五,以超人气打破不景气以及不吉利,唱片公司对力宏信心满满,定8月13日为“王力宏日”,不但将在全省唱片行及电影院全天24小时强力播放王力宏最新单曲、也是电影主题曲《你不知道的事》,并在各传媒在当天就砸下千万广告预算做滴水不露宣传;而力宏也视8月13日为他的lucky day,“要把黑色十三号星期五变成幸运十三号星期五!“ 化身音乐魔术师 新专辑造型挑战接发 在这张《十八般武艺》专辑中,王力宏将“Chinked-out”推进更高的境界,首次请到超过有60年历史的“中央广播民族乐团”为新专辑作嫁的王力宏,将专辑内有关民乐编曲的歌曲,以整个国乐交响乐团编制演出呈现,完美演出嘻哈曲风;唱片公司特别在这次新专辑封面造型让王力宏化身“音乐魔术师”,打破以往阳光优质形象,王力宏在新专辑《十八般武艺》新专辑造型化身音乐魔术师,拿着指挥棒的王力宏,宛如像魔术师挥舞魔杖有神奇魔力般,在他指挥点击下,琴谱、乐器甚至椅子及水都赋予了生命,都美妙跃动飞舞了起来,也象征王力宏发挥魔力,将民乐交响乐巧妙融合! 此外,这次新专辑造型中,以往总是阳光优质形象的王力宏,之前专辑发型多半是帅气短发,这次为了要化身指挥家穿上有艺术气息的造型,也首次打破以往形象,尝试了“接发”;结果接发后的王力宏在拍照现场一出现,贵族气息宛如“暮光之城”里帅哥吸血鬼爱德华现身,立刻吸引工作人员目光!而接发后的王力宏也很满意这次“变发效果”,艺术气质更是破表,在拍照时也有如指挥家及魔术师上身,不断地挥舞跳动,帅气逼人! 专辑概念灵感来自李安成龙 一年来王力宏在电影与专辑制作之间交战,以新歌《十八般武艺》为新专辑名称,灵感来自李安与成龙两位影响他至深的导演,因为首次担任导演的王力宏因为拍电影学习了很多事,因此深感两位名导李安、成龙的导演功力高强,觉得他们是拥有十八般武艺的全能之人,《十八般武艺》代表结合两位的特色,样样精通,是他最敬佩的一个境界;王力宏更觉得要当一个受人肯定尊重的好导演真的是要拥有十八般武艺,他正在努力中,期待自己有一天能到达那样的境界。
[create_time]2010-08-21 10:53:47[/create_time]2010-08-21 12:54:28[finished_time]4[reply_count]45[alue_good]等属梦02[uname][avatar]TA获得超过349个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3113[view_count]
歌曲:Underwater Love(力士沐浴露广告歌)
歌手:Smoke City
介绍:力士沐浴露广告歌Smoke City - Underwater Love。
Underwater Love(力士沐浴露广告歌)歌词:
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it slipping all over me
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it
O que que é esse amor, dágua
Deve sentir muito parecido a esse amor
This is itUnderwater love
It is so deepSo beautifully liquid
Esse amor com paix鉶, ai
Esse amor com paix鉶, ai que coisa
After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it slipping all over me
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it
O que que é esse amor, dágua
Eu sei que eu n鉶 quero mais nada
Follow me nowTo a place you only dream of
Before I came along
When I first saw you
I was deep in clear blue water
The sun was shining
Calling me to come and see you
I touched your soft skin
And you jumped in with your eyes closed
And a smile upon your face
Você vem, você vaiVocê vem e cai
E vem aqui pra cá
Porque eu quero te beijar na sua boca
Que coisa louca
Vem aqui pra cá
Porque eu quero te beijar na sua boca
Ai que boca gostosa
After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
Cai cai e tudo tudo cai
Tudo cai pra lá e pra cá
Pra lá e pra cáE vamos nadar
Y vamos nadar e tudo tudo dá
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it slipping all over me
This must be underwater love
The way I feel itOh oh dágua we are full
UnderwaterOh underwater love
This underwater love
This underwater loveUnderwater love
[create_time]2013-11-30 18:34:33[/create_time]2013-12-13 19:58:17[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1046[view_count]
Adiemus的《Kayama》 歌词
歌曲名:Kayama歌手:Adiemus专辑:Chillout Moods [Box Set]Album:KayaTitle:KayaWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is fallingGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingI'm so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie I'Cause I have some kaya nowI feel so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya now, LordFor the rain is fallingWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is falling(Kaya now, kaya, kaya) Huh
[create_time]2013-08-23 23:08:14[/create_time]2013-08-23 23:14:27[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]JF杏可17[uname][avatar]超过58用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]151[view_count]
Adiemus的《Kayama》 歌词
歌曲名:Kayama歌手:Adiemus专辑:Chillout Moods: Tubular BellsAlbum:KayaTitle:KayaWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is fallingGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingI'm so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowFor the rain is fallingFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie IFeelin' irie I'Cause I have some kaya nowI feel so high, I even touch the skyAbove the falling rainI feel so good in my neighbourhood, soHere I come againGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya nowGot to have kaya now, LordFor the rain is fallingWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseWake up and turn me looseFor the rain is falling(Kaya now, kaya, kaya) Huh
[create_time]2013-08-23 23:49:29[/create_time]2013-08-23 23:56:39[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]丶水滴wdjs[uname][avatar]超过69用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]99[view_count]