饥饿游戏3中那个“are you are you,coming to the tree”的歌名
上吊树(The Hanging Tree)是由James Newton Howard编曲,Jennifer Lawrence演唱的一首歌曲。在原著小说《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟》中为凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩的父亲所作歌曲。Are you, Are youComing to the tree你是否,是否会来到这树旁Where they strung up a man they say murdered three这棵树上,吊死了一个谋害了三条生命的人Strange things did happen hereNo stranger would it be这里有奇怪的事发生,简直不能再诡异If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree你我相约午夜在上吊树下相见Are you, Are youComing to the tree你是否,是否会来到这树旁Where the dead man called out for his love to flee这棵树上,死者的魂灵呼唤着他的恋人一起逃走Strange things did happen hereNo stranger would it be这里有奇怪的事发生,简直不能再诡异If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree你我相约午夜在上吊树下相见Are you, Are youComing to the tree你是否,是否会来到这树旁Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free我在这棵树上让你逃离,这样我们都可以解脱Strange things did happen hereNo stranger would it be这里有奇怪的事发生,简直不能再诡异If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree你我相约午夜在上吊树下相见Are you, Are youComing to the tree你是否,是否会来到这树旁Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me颈上套着绳索做的项链,吊在我身旁Strange things did happen here,No stranger would it be这里有奇怪的事发生,简直不能再诡异If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree你我相约午夜在上吊树下相会
[create_time]2016-11-13 11:49:00[/create_time]2015-02-20 20:33:03[finished_time]3[reply_count]58[alue_good]某某人zwj[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a6eb5e77.3lYrxDKkCtIXB9bLKRbWyw.jpg?time=4057&tieba_portrait_time=4057[avatar]TA获得超过626个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]8896[view_count]饥饿游戏3《the hanging tree》民谣有着什么样的隐喻
Joseph Frail—doctor, gambler, gunslinger—rides into town looking to set up a doctor's office. He passes by the "hanging tree," an old oak with a thick branch over which has been slung a rope with a frayed end, presumably a former noose.
He rescues and treats Rune, a young sluice robber who has been shot, and obliges him into temporary servitude as a method of payment. Frail houses and feeds Rune while covering his identity as the wounded sluice robber.
A stagecoach is robbed and overturned, killing the driver and a male passenger. But the daughter of the male passenger is believed to have survived. A search party is formed, and sole survivor Elizabeth Mahler is found by the town opportunist, "Frenchy."
Crippled by burns, blindness and dehydration received from overexposure, very attractive Elizabeth is moved into a house next to the doctor's house to begin her recovery. The placement causes much chagrin among the town's righteous women, who believe that Elizabeth may be paying for her medical care through illicit behavior.
Frenchy sneaks in under the guise of trying to strike a business deal with Elizabeth, but instead tries to forcefully kiss her. Frail witnesses the aggression and chases Frenchy back to town. Frail beats him up and threatens to kill him. There are many witnesses, including a mad faith healer, Dr. Grubb, who sees Frail's medical practice as a threat.
Elizabeth eventually regains her sight and makes romantic overtures toward Frail. He rejects her. She leaves in a huff, determined to strike it rich as a prospector so that she can pay off Frail and get out from under his control.
She teams up with Rune and Frenchy, who plan to buy a claim and set up a sluice. To get money, she pawns a family heirloom necklace. It is worthless, but Frail secretly tells the storekeeper to loan her however much money she needs. Thus Frail secretly continues to control her.
She finds out and asks Frail why he couldn't respond to her affection. He reveals that his wife had an affair with his own brother. He found them together, both dead, an apparent murder-suicide. In a rage, he burned down their house with their bodies in it. He tells Elizabeth he is "not allowed to forget."
The trio of Elizabeth, Frenchy and Rune strike it rich on their claim, finding a "glory hole" of gold under a large tree stump. They ride into town as heroes, tossing a few pieces of gold to the townsfolk. The gaiety quickly turns into a riot of the lawless town members led by Dr. Grubb. While the lawful citizens of the town are engaged in fighting fires set by Grubb, Frenchy takes advantage of the commotion to make advances on Elizabeth. Her disinterest sparks a brutal physical assault as he attempts to rape her. Frail again catches Frenchy just in time. A fist fight ensues and Frenchy pulls his pistol and shoots, attempting to kill Frail, but misses. Frail responds in self-defense killing Frenchy in front of the rioting townsfolk.
Seeing his opportunity to remove his "competition", Grubb incites the mob to lynch Frail. They carry him to the hanging tree, tie his hands, and stand him up in a wagon bed, the rope around his neck. Rune and Elizabeth rush in carrying their gold and the deed to their claim. Elizabeth offers everything to the townsfolk if they will let Frail live. As the mob members now fight each other to grab the gold and claim document, the lynch party disperses.
Elizabeth now feels she has finally repaid Frail in full. Rune slips the noose off and Elizabeth turns to walk away downhill. "Doc" Frail calls out her name. She turns back, and steps to the end of the wagon. He kneels down, cups her chin with both hands, and they touch foreheads, while the balladeer's haunting refrain plays in the background.
[create_time]2015-04-30 13:24:38[/create_time]2015-04-30 21:39:43[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]OliviaBlues[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8dd4df89.B-vnIOg8b55jH6KJBr1hCg.jpg?time=4443&tieba_portrait_time=4443[avatar]超过20用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]819[view_count]
Hanging Tree 歌词
歌曲名:Hanging Tree歌手:Bob Mould专辑:Poison YearsHanging Tree ;)There have been many talesTainted by truth twisted by time…Some choose to forgetYet it stillWeaves webs in their minds…And it seems like she's been here foreverHer branches as black as the seasShe's been through it allBy the luck of the drawShe became the old hanging tree…She asked for nothingExcept maybeA little rain…They used her strengthTo help them steal lives away…And she witnessed the sadness and sorrowTo this day she still doesn't know whyBut her heart brokeWhen they came with the ropeTo declare her the old hanging tree…Life stranger then fictionCan make you want to cryRoots could never stop herFrom reaching for the sky…Life stranger then fictionCan make you want to cryRoots could never stop herFrom reaching for the sky…Those years have all pastLucky for us lucky for her…Now, children play at her feetAnd in her arms she cradles birds…And it seems she's been here foreverThese days are the best that she's seenBut somewhere in the backOf her mindIs the timeShe was known as the old hanging tree…http://music.baidu.com/song/3478637
[create_time]2013-08-21 09:15:16[/create_time]2013-08-21 09:24:31[finished_time]1[reply_count]5[alue_good]闹闹CNn[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.c34db51f.nzts66TtyetFVinj5pzc5A.jpg?time=3593&tieba_portrait_time=3593[avatar]TA获得超过136个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4078[view_count]
求The Hanging Tree的音译歌词
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
[create_time]2018-03-01 11:13:27[/create_time]2016-08-25 11:31:55[finished_time]1[reply_count]42[alue_good]小棋子动漫社[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=3270492645,3485402655&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1687837206&size=b200,200[avatar]繁杂信息太多,你要学会辨别[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5858[view_count]
饥饿游戏3 嘲笑鸟里面的插曲叫啥
The Hanging Tree
上吊树(The Hanging Tree)是由James Newton Howard编曲,Jennifer Lawrence演唱的一首歌曲。在原著小说《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟》中为凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩的父亲所作歌曲。
[create_time]2017-09-12 00:04:28[/create_time]2015-02-26 19:15:38[finished_time]2[reply_count]6[alue_good]1231十大352[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f3859865.MM3MdEBgOuk_9p7-S_eApQ.jpg?time=3714&tieba_portrait_time=3714[avatar]TA获得超过179个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4721[view_count]
饥饿游戏书籍英文经典段落 关于凯妮丝唱the hanging tree的
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[create_time]2016-03-08 16:24:08[/create_time]2016-03-20 21:48:44[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]做人要要厚道[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8069e97a.pzMbUUFfztf9OuUbGedG9w.jpg?time=3466&tieba_portrait_time=3466[avatar]TA获得超过1.1万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]312[view_count]
饥饿游戏3里面女主角唱的TheHangingTree 原曲是?有分!
[00:00.90]Are you, are you
[00:03.90]Coming to the tree
[00:06.26]They strung up a man
[00:09.07]They say who murdered three.
[00:11.88]Strange things did happen here
[00:14.59]No stranger would it be
[00:16.96]If we met at midnight
[00:20.18]In the hanging tree.
[00:22.74]Are you, are you
[00:25.66]Coming to the tree
[00:28.12]Where dead man called out
[00:31.49]For his love to flee.
[00:33.80]Strange things did happen here
[00:36.32]No stranger would it be
[00:38.83]If we met at midnight
[00:42.20]In the hanging tree.
[00:44.61]Are you, are you
[00:48.03]Coming to the tree
[00:50.09]Where I told you to run,
[00:52.80]So we'd both be free.
[00:55.72]Strange things did happen here
[00:58.58]No stranger would it be
[01:00.89]If we met at midnight
[01:03.97]In the hanging tree.
[01:06.38]Are you, are you
[01:09.04]Coming to the tree
[01:11.20]Wear a necklace of hope,
[01:13.99]Side by side with me.
[01:16.10]Strange things did happen here
[01:18.46]No stranger would it be
[01:20.63]If we met at midnight
[01:23.39]In the hanging tree.
[01:25.99]Are you, are you
[01:28.26]Coming to the tree
[01:30.42]Where I told you to run,
[01:32.78]So we'd both be free.
[01:35.12]Strange things did happen here
[01:37.66]No stranger would it be
[01:40.02]If we met at midnight
[01:42.68]In the hanging tree.
[01:44.74]Are you, are you
[01:47.26]Coming to the tree
[01:49.52]They strung up a man
[01:51.83]They say who murdered three.
[01:54.45]Strange things did happen here
[01:56.56]No stranger would it be
[01:58.97]If we met at midnight
[02:01.69]In the hanging tree.
[02:03.90]Are you, are you
[02:06.21]Coming to the tree
[02:08.47]Where dead man called out
[02:11.49]For his love to flee.
[02:13.60]Strange things did happen here
[02:15.77]No stranger would it be
[02:18.13]If we met at midnight
[02:20.79]In the hanging tree.
[create_time]2016-05-10 12:43:27[/create_time]2015-03-20 11:28:34[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]maxiaomei马[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.629ab201.sVobYaM1r_SFoirEELkbZA.jpg?time=3548&tieba_portrait_time=3548[avatar]超过13用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1212[view_count]
上吊树 饥饿游戏中凯特尼斯唱的,求歌名!
歌名是“the hanging tree”
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
[create_time]2017-06-07 23:51:36[/create_time]2014-12-05 16:42:18[finished_time]2[reply_count]128[alue_good]孤鹤雪寒[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/8644ebf81a4c510fa09e13677059252dd42aa571?x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_450,h_600,limit_1[avatar]眼前直下三千字,胸次全无一点尘。[slogan]眼前直下三千字,胸次全无一点尘。[intro]8785[view_count]
上吊树 饥饿游戏中有这段故事么?具体歌词?
[create_time]2014-10-19 12:50:44[/create_time]2014-11-03 11:27:31[finished_time]2[reply_count]6[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]724[view_count]